Source code for flow.flowNetwork

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling application.    ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
This file defines functions to compute stream network over the TIN.

.. note:
     To solve channel incision and landscape evolution, the algorithm follows the O(n)-efficient ordering
     method from Braun and Willett (2013) and is based on a *single-flow-direction* (**SFD**) approximation
     assuming that water goes down the path of the steepest slope.


import math
import time
import numpy
import warnings
from matplotlib import path

import h5py
import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETO

import os

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    from badlands import sfd
    from badlands import pdalgo
    from badlands import flowalgo
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter

[docs]class flowNetwork: """ Class used to define **flow network computation**. .. image:: img/stack.jpg :scale: 100 % :alt: stack from Braun & Willett (2013) :align: center The left graph shows the stack order considering the single-flow-direction algorithm and the right graph shows the inverted stack order from top to bottom as described in Braun and Willett (2013). .. seealso:: Braun and Willett, 2013: A very efficient O(n), implicit and parallel method to solve the stream power equation governing fluvial incision and landscape evolution - *Geomorphology*, 170-179, `doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008`_. .. _doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008: """ def __init__(self, input): """ Initialisation. """ self.xycoords = None self.base = None self.base1 = None self.localbase = None self.localbase1 = None self.receivers = None self.receivers1 = None self.arrdonor = None = None self.donors = None self.donors1 = None self.localstack = None self.localstack1 = None self.stack = None self.stack1 = None self.partFlow = None self.maxdonors = 0 self.CFL = None self.erodibility = None self.mindt = None self.spl = False self.depo = 0 self.discharge = None self.localsedflux = None self.maxh = None self.maxdep = None self.diff_cfl = None self.chi = None self.basinID = None self.pitID = None self.pitVolume = None self.pitDrain = None self.allDrain = None self.xgrid = None self.ygrid = None self.xi = None self.yi = None self.xyi = None self.Afactor = None self.parentIDs = None self.dx = None self.distances = None self.indices = None self.onIDs = None = = self.nt = input.nt self.kt = input.kt = self.b = input.b self.deepb = input.deepbasin self.critdens = input.denscrit self.flowdensity = None self.sedload = None self.straTIN = 0 self.activelay = None self.borders = None self.domain = None self.insideIDs = None self.outsideIDs = None self.borders2 = None self.insideIDs2 = None self.outsideIDs2 = None flowalgo.eroparams( input.incisiontype, input.SPLm, input.SPLn,, input.nt, input.kt,, input.b, input.bedslptype, ) return
[docs] def compute_hillslope_diffusion( self, elev, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs, type, Sc ): """ Perform hillslope evolution based on diffusion processes. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. neighbours: numpy integer-type array with the neighbourhood IDs. edges: numpy real-type array with the voronoi edges length for each neighbours of the TIN nodes. distances: numpy real-type array with the distances between each connection in the TIN. globalIDs: numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. type: flag to compute the diffusion when multiple rocks are used. Sc: critical slope parameter for non-linear diffusion. Returns: - diff_flux - numpy array containing erosion/deposition thicknesses induced by hillslope processes. """ if type == 0: if Sc > 0.0: tSc = numpy.zeros(1) tSc[0] = Sc diff_flux = sfd.diffusionnl( tSc, elev, self.borders2, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs ) else: diff_flux = sfd.diffusion( elev, self.borders2, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs ) else: diff_flux = sfd.diffusionero( elev, self.borders2, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs ) return diff_flux
[docs] def compute_marine_diffusion( self, elev, depoH, neighbours, edges, distances, coeff, globalIDs, seal, maxth, tstep, ): """ Perform river transported marine sediments diffusion. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. dep: numpy arrays flagging the deposited nodes. neighbours: numpy integer-type array with the neighbourhood IDs. edges: numpy real-type array with the voronoi edges length for each neighbours of the TIN nodes. distances: numpy real-type array with the distances between each connection in the TIN. globalIDs: numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. Returns ------- diff_flux numpy array containing marine erosion/deposition thicknesses induced by hillslope processes. mindt maximum time step (in years) to ensure stable results """ diff_flux, ndt = flowalgo.diffmarine( elev, self.borders, depoH, neighbours, edges, distances, coeff, globalIDs, seal, maxth, tstep, ) # Send local diffusion flux globally mindt = numpy.array(ndt) return diff_flux, mindt
[docs] def compute_failure_diffusion( self, elev, depoH, neighbours, edges, distances, coeff, globalIDs, maxth, tstep ): """ Perform slope failure transported sediments diffusion. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. dep: numpy arrays flagging the deposited nodes. neighbours: numpy integer-type array with the neighbourhood IDs. edges: numpy real-type array with the voronoi edges length for each neighbours of the TIN nodes. distances: numpy real-type array with the distances between each connection in the TIN. globalIDs: numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. Returns ------- diff_flux numpy array containing erosion/deposition thicknesses induced by slope failure processes. mindt maximum time step (in years) to ensure stable results """ diff_flux, ndt = flowalgo.difffailure( elev, self.borders, depoH, neighbours, edges, distances, coeff, globalIDs, maxth, tstep, ) # Send local diffusion flux globally mindt = numpy.array(ndt) return diff_flux, mindt
[docs] def compute_failure(self, elev, sfail): """ Perform erosion induced by slope failure. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. sfail: critical slope to initiate slope failure. Returns: - erosion - numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. """ erosion = flowalgo.slumpero( self.localstack, self.receivers, self.xycoords, elev, sfail, self.borders ) return erosion
[docs] def compute_sediment_marine( self, elev, dep, sdep, coeff, neighbours, seal, maxth, edges, distances, globalIDs, ): """ Perform marine sediment diffusion for multiple rock types. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. dep: numpy arrays containing the rock deposition. coeff: numpy arrays containing the coefficient value for the diffusion algorithm. neighbours: numpy integer-type array with the neighbourhood IDs. edges: numpy real-type array with the voronoi edges length for each neighbours of the TIN nodes. distances: numpy real-type array with the distances between each connection in the TIN. globalIDs: numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. Returns ------- diff_prop 2D numpy array containing proportion of each sediment diffused by marine processes. diff_flux numpy array containing erosion/deposition thicknesses induced by marine processes. """ diff_prop, diff_flux = flowalgo.diffsedmarine( elev, self.borders, dep, sdep, seal, maxth, coeff, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs, ) return diff_prop, diff_flux
[docs] def compute_sediment_hillslope( self, elev, difflay, coeff, neighbours, edges, layh, distances, globalIDs ): """ Perform sediment diffusion for multiple rock types. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. difflay: numpy arrays containing the rock type fractions in the active layer. coeff: numpy arrays containing the coefficient value for the diffusion algorithm. neighbours: numpy integer-type array with the neighbourhood IDs. edges: numpy real-type array with the voronoi edges length for each neighbours of the TIN nodes. layh: numpy arrays containing the thickness of the active layer. distances: numpy real-type array with the distances between each connection in the TIN. globalIDs: numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. Returns ------- ero 2D numpy array containing erosion thicknesses for each sediment diffused by hillslope processes. depo 2D numpy array containing deposition thicknesses for each sediment diffused by hillslope processes. sumdiff numpy array containing cumulative erosion/deposition thicknesses induced by hillslope processes. """ sumdiff, ero, depo = flowalgo.diffsedhillslope( elev, self.borders, difflay, layh, coeff, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs, ) return sumdiff, ero, depo
[docs] def SFD_receivers(self, fillH, elev, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs): """ **Single Flow Direction** function computes downslope flow directions by inspecting the neighborhood elevations around each node. The SFD method assigns a unique flow direction towards the steepest downslope neighbor. Args: fillH: numpy array containing the filled elevations from Planchon & Darboux depression-less algorithm. elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. neighbours: numpy integer-type array with the neighbourhood IDs. edges: numpy real-type array with the voronoi edges length for each neighbours of the TIN nodes. distances: numpy real-type array with the distances between each connection in the TIN. globalIDs: numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. To solve channel incision and landscape evolution, the algorithm follows the O(n)-efficient ordering method from Braun and Willett (2013) and is based on a *single-flow-direction* (**SFD**) approximation assuming that water goes down the path of the steepest slope. .. seealso:: Braun J, Willett SD. A very efficient O(n), implicit and parallel method to solve the stream power equation governing fluvial incision and landscape evolution. Geomorphology. 2013;180–181(Supplement C):170–179. """ # Call the SFD function from libUtils # Get the directions from true surface base1, receivers1 = sfd.directions_base( elev, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs ) # Send local base level globally bpos = numpy.where(base1 >= 0)[0] self.base1 = base1[bpos] # Send local receivers globally self.receivers1 = receivers1 # Get the directions from filled surface base, receivers, maxh, maxdep = sfd.directions( fillH, elev, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs ) # Send local base level globally bpos = numpy.where(base >= 0)[0] self.base = base[bpos] numpy.random.shuffle(self.base) # Send local receivers globally self.receivers = receivers # Send local maximum height globally self.maxh = maxh # Send local maximum deposition globally self.maxdep = maxdep return
def _donors_number_array(self): """ Creates an array containing the number of donors for each node. """ self.arrdonor = None numPts = len(self.receivers) self.arrdonor = numpy.zeros(numPts, dtype=int) maxID = numpy.max(self.receivers) self.arrdonor[: (maxID + 1)] = numpy.bincount(self.receivers) self.maxdonors = self.arrdonor.max() return def _delta_array(self): """ Creates the "delta" array, which is a list containing, for each node, the array index where that node's donor list begins. """ = None nbdonors = len(self.arrdonor) = numpy.zeros(nbdonors + 1, dtype=int)[-2::-1] -= numpy.cumsum(self.arrdonor[::-1]) return def _donors_number_array1(self): """ Creates an array containing the number of donors for each node. """ self.arrdonor = None numPts = len(self.receivers1) self.arrdonor = numpy.zeros(numPts, dtype=int) maxID = numpy.max(self.receivers1) self.arrdonor[: (maxID + 1)] = numpy.bincount(self.receivers1) self.maxdonors = self.arrdonor.max() return def _delta_array1(self): """ Creates the "delta" array, which is a list containing, for each node, the array index where that node's donor list begins. """ = None nbdonors = len(self.arrdonor) = numpy.zeros(nbdonors + 1, dtype=int)[-2::-1] -= numpy.cumsum(self.arrdonor[::-1]) return
[docs] def ordered_node_array_filled(self): """ Creates an array of node IDs that is arranged in order from downstream to upstream for filled surface. """ # Build donors array for each node self._donors_number_array() # Create the delta array self._delta_array() # Using libUtils stack create the ordered node array self.donors, lstcks = flowalgo.buildfa( self.localbase, self.receivers, ) # Create local stack stids = numpy.where(lstcks > -1)[0] self.localstack = lstcks[stids] return
[docs] def ordered_node_array_elev(self): """ Creates an array of node IDs that is arranged in order from downstream to upstream for real surface. """ # Build donors array for each node self._donors_number_array1() # Create the delta array self._delta_array1() # Using libUtils stack create the ordered node array self.donors1, lstcks = flowalgo.buildfa( self.localbase1, self.receivers1, ) # Create local stack stids = numpy.where(lstcks > -1)[0] self.localstack1 = lstcks[stids] return
[docs] def compute_flow(self, sealevel, elev, Acell, rain): """ Calculates the **drainage area** and **water discharge** at each node. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. Acell: numpy float-type array containing the voronoi area for each nodes (in :math:`{m}^2`). rain: numpy float-type array containing the precipitation rate for each nodes (in :math:`{m/a}`). """ numPts = len(Acell) self.discharge = numpy.zeros(numPts, dtype=float) self.discharge[self.stack] = Acell[self.stack] * rain[self.stack] # Compute discharge using libUtils self.discharge, self.activelay = flowalgo.discharge( sealevel, self.localstack, self.receivers, elev, self.discharge ) return
[docs] def view_receivers(self, fillH, elev, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs, sea): """ Single Flow Direction function computes downslope flow directions by inspecting the neighborhood elevations around each node. The SFD method assigns a unique flow direction towards the steepest downslope neighbor. Args: fillH: numpy array containing the filled elevations from Planchon & Darboux depression-less algorithm. elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. neighbours: numpy integer-type array with the neighbourhood IDs. edges: numpy real-type array with the voronoi edges length for each neighbours of the TIN nodes. distances: numpy real-type array with the distances between each connection in the TIN. globalIDs: numpy integer-type array containing for local nodes their global IDs. sea: current elevation of sea level. .. image:: img/stack2.jpg :scale: 80 % :alt: SFD :align: center Nodal representation of the landform. Nodes are indicated as black circles. The lines represent all the possible connections among neighboring nodes. The solid lines indicate the connections following the steepest descent hypothesis (indicated by the arrows). .. seealso:: Braun and Willett, 2013: A very efficient O(n), implicit and parallel method to solve the stream power equation governing fluvial incision and landscape evolution - *Geomorphology*, 170-179, `doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008`_. """ # Call the SFD function from libUtils base, receivers = sfd.dirview( fillH, elev, neighbours, edges, distances, globalIDs, sea ) # Send local base level globally bpos = numpy.where(base >= 0)[0] self.base = base[bpos] numpy.random.shuffle(self.base) # Send local receivers globally self.receivers = receivers self.localbase = self.base self.ordered_node_array_filled() globalstack = self.localstack self.stack = globalstack return
[docs] def compute_parameters(self, elevation, sealevel): """ Calculates the catchment IDs and the Chi parameter (Willett 2014). """ # Get basin starting IDs for each local partition cumbase = numpy.zeros(2) for i in range(1): cumbase[i + 1] = len(numpy.array_split(self.base, 1)[i]) + cumbase[i] + 1 # Compute discharge using libUtils idsl = numpy.where(elevation < sealevel)[0] rcv = numpy.copy(self.receivers) rcv[idsl] = -1 chi, basinID = flowalgo.parameters( self.localstack, rcv, self.discharge, self.xycoords, cumbase[0] ) self.chi = chi self.basinID = numpy.copy(basinID) self.basinID[idsl] = -1 return
[docs] def compute_parameters_depression(self, fillH, elev, Acell, sealevel, debug=False): """ Calculates each depression maximum deposition volume and its downstream draining node. Args: fillH: numpy array containing the filled elevations from Planchon & Darboux depression-less algorithm. elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. Acell: numpy float-type array containing the voronoi area for each nodes (in :math:`{m}^2`) sealevel: real value giving the sea-level height at considered time step. """ # Compute pit ID and volume using libUtils pitID, pitVolume = flowalgo.basinparameters( self.localstack1, self.receivers1, elev, fillH, Acell ) self.pitID = pitID self.pitVolume = pitVolume self.pitVolume[self.pitVolume <= 0] = 0.0 # Find the depression node IDs pIDs = numpy.where(self.pitVolume > 0.0)[0] if len(pIDs) > 0: xyidd = numpy.where(self.pitVolume == self.pitVolume.max())[0] # Order the pits based on filled elevation from top to bottom orderPits = numpy.argsort(fillH[pIDs])[::-1] # Find the depression or edge, marine point where a given pit is draining self.pitDrain = flowalgo.basindrainage( orderPits, self.pitID, self.receivers, pIDs, fillH, sealevel ) self.allDrain = flowalgo.basindrainageall( orderPits, self.pitID, self.receivers, pIDs ) # Debugging plotting function if debug: self._visualise_draining_path(pIDs, elev, self.pitDrain, fillH, "drain") self._visualise_draining_path( pIDs, elev, self.allDrain, fillH, "alldrain" ) else: self.pitDrain = -numpy.ones(len(pitID)) self.allDrain = -numpy.ones(len(pitID)) return
[docs] def compute_sedflux( self, Acell, elev, rain, fillH, dt, actlay, rockCk, rivqs, sealevel, perc_dep, slp_cr, ngbh, verbose=False, ): """ Calculates the **sediment flux** at each node. Args: Acell: numpy float-type array containing the voronoi area for each nodes (in :math:`{m}^2`) elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. rain: numpy float-type array containing the precipitation rate for each nodes (in :math:`{m/a}`). fillH: numpy array containing the lake elevations. dt: real value corresponding to the maximal stability time step. actlay: active layer composition. rockCk: rock erodibility values. rivqs: numpy arrays representing the sediment fluxes from rivers. sealevel: real value giving the sea-level height at considered time step. slp_cr: critical slope used to force aerial deposition for alluvial plain. perc_dep: maximum percentage of deposition at any given time interval. Returns ------- erosion numpy array containing erosion thicknesses for each node of the TIN (in m). depo numpy array containing deposition thicknesses for each node of the TIN (in m). sedflux numpy array containing cumulative sediment flux on each node (in :math:`{m}^3/{m}^2`). newdt new time step to ensure flow computation stability. """ check = False newdt = numpy.copy(dt) if actlay is None: sedflux = numpy.zeros((len(elev), 1)) else: sedflux = numpy.zeros((len(elev), len(rockCk))) # Compute sediment flux using libUtils # Stream power law if self.spl: if verbose: time0 = time.process_time() time1 = time.process_time() # Find border/inside nodes if > 0.0: if self.straTIN == 1: rp = numpy.power(rain,, 1)) eroCoeff = rockCk * rp else: eroCoeff = self.erodibility * numpy.power(rain, eroCoeff.reshape((len(elev), 1)) else: if self.straTIN == 1: eroCoeff = numpy.tile(rockCk, (len(elev), 1)) else: eroCoeff = self.erodibility.reshape((len(elev), 1)) if actlay is None: actlay = numpy.zeros((len(elev), 1)) cdepo, cero, sedload, slopeTIN, flowdensity = flowalgo.streampower( self.critdens, self.localstack, self.receivers, self.pitID, self.pitVolume, self.pitDrain, self.xycoords, Acell, self.maxh, self.maxdep, self.discharge, fillH, elev, rivqs, eroCoeff, actlay, perc_dep, slp_cr, sealevel, sealevel + self.deepb, newdt, self.borders, ) if self.depo == 0: volChange = cero else: volChange = cdepo + cero if verbose: print( " - Compute sediment volumetric flux ", time.process_time() - time1, ) time1 = time.process_time() # Find overfilling catchments tmpChange, id1, id2, nb1, nb2 = flowalgo.getid1( volChange, self.pitVolume, self.allDrain, self.pitID ) # Check if there are some internally drained depressions within the computational domain? if nb1 > 0 and nb2 > 0: ids = id1[:nb1] intID = id2[:nb2] search = self.domain.contains_points(self.xycoords[intID]) # For all these closed basins find the ones overfilled if len(search) > 0: overfilled = numpy.intersect1d(intID[search], ids) # Limit the time step to restrict deposition in these basins if len(overfilled) > 0: # Compute the percentage of overfilling percOver = self.pitVolume[overfilled] / tmpChange[overfilled] newdt = dt * percOver.min() if newdt > 1.0: newdt = float(round(newdt - 0.5, 0)) newdt = max(self.mindt, newdt) if newdt > dt: newdt = dt if verbose: print( " - Compute depressions connectivity ", time.process_time() - time1, ) time1 = time.process_time() if newdt < dt: cdepo, cero, sedload, slopeTIN, flowdensity = flowalgo.streampower( self.critdens, self.localstack, self.receivers, self.pitID, self.pitVolume, self.pitDrain, self.xycoords, Acell, self.maxh, self.maxdep, self.discharge, fillH, elev, rivqs, eroCoeff, actlay, perc_dep, slp_cr, sealevel, sealevel + self.deepb, newdt, self.borders, ) volChange = cdepo + cero if verbose: print( " - Compute volumetric fluxes with updated dt ", time.process_time() - time1, ) time1 = time.process_time() if check: # Ensure no overfilling remains tmpChange = numpy.sum(volChange, axis=1) ids = numpy.where( numpy.logical_and( tmpChange > self.pitVolume, self.pitVolume > 0.0 ) )[0] search = self.domain.contains_points(self.xycoords[intID]) if (len(search) > 0) and (len(ids) > 0): overfilled = numpy.intersect1d(intID[search], ids) if len(overfilled) > 0: print( "WARNING: overfilling persists after time-step limitation.", len(overfilled), ) # Update river sediment load in m3/s sedld = numpy.sum(sedload, axis=1) self.sedload = sedld / (newdt * 3.154e7) den = flowdensity / 1000.0 self.flowdensity = den # Sediment volume going out outload = numpy.sum(sedload[self.outsideIDs, :]) # Compute erosion erosion = numpy.zeros(cero.shape) erosion[self.insideIDs, :] = cero[self.insideIDs, :] / Acell[ self.insideIDs ].reshape(len(self.insideIDs), 1) if verbose: print(" - Compute erosion ", time.process_time() - time1) time1 = time.process_time() # Compute deposition if self.depo == 0: # Purely erosive case deposition = numpy.zeros(cdepo.shape) else: depo = numpy.zeros(cdepo.shape) depo[self.insideIDs, :] = cdepo[self.insideIDs, :] deposition = numpy.zeros(depo.shape) tmpdep = numpy.zeros(depo.shape) # Compute alluvial plain deposition ( plainid, landid, seaid, perc, nplain, nland, nsea, ndepo, ) = flowalgo.getids(fillH, elev, depo, self.pitVolume, sealevel) depo = ndepo if nplain > 0: plainID = plainid[:nplain] deposition[plainID, :] += depo[plainID, :] / Acell[plainID].reshape( len(plainID), 1 ) depo[plainID, :] = 0.0 # depo[plainID,:] -= depo[plainID,:] if verbose: print( " - Compute plain deposition ", time.process_time() - time1, ) time1 = time.process_time() # Compute land pit deposition if nland > 0: landIDs = landid[:nland] for p in range(len(landIDs)): tmp = numpy.where(self.pitID == landIDs[p])[0] if len(tmp) == 1: tmpdep[tmp, :] = (fillH[tmp] - elev[tmp]) * perc[ landIDs[p], : ] else: tmpdep[tmp, :] = (fillH[tmp] - elev[tmp]).reshape( len(tmp), 1 ) * perc[landIDs[p], :] tmpd = numpy.sum( tmpdep[tmp, :] * Acell[tmp].reshape(len(Acell[tmp]), 1) ) dfrac = numpy.sum(depo[landIDs[p], :]) / tmpd tmpdep[tmp, :] *= dfrac deposition[tmp, :] += tmpdep[tmp, :] # depo[tmp,:] -= tmpdep[tmp,:]*Acell[tmp].reshape(len(Acell[tmp]),1) depo[landIDs, :] = 0.0 if verbose: print( " - Compute land pit deposition ", time.process_time() - time1, ) time1 = time.process_time() # Compute water deposition if nsea > 0: # Distribute marine sediments based on angle of repose seaIDs = seaid[:nsea] seavol = numpy.zeros(depo.shape) seavol[seaIDs, :] = depo[seaIDs, :] seadep = pdalgo.marine_distribution( elev, seavol, sealevel, self.borders, seaIDs, slopeTIN ) deposition += seadep # depo -= seadep*Acell.reshape(len(Acell),1) depo[seaIDs, :] = 0.0 if verbose: print( " - Compute marine deposition ", time.process_time() - time1, ) time1 = time.process_time() # Is there some remaining deposits? if numpy.any(depo): deposition[self.insideIDs, :] += depo[self.insideIDs, :] / Acell[ self.insideIDs ].reshape(len(self.insideIDs), 1) # Define erosion/deposition changes sedflux[self.insideIDs, :] = ( erosion[self.insideIDs, :] + deposition[self.insideIDs, :] ) erotot = -numpy.sum( erosion[self.insideIDs, :] * Acell[self.insideIDs].reshape(len(self.insideIDs), 1) ) depotot = numpy.sum( deposition[self.insideIDs, :] * Acell[self.insideIDs].reshape(len(self.insideIDs), 1) ) depotot += outload if self.depo > 0 and erotot > depotot and erotot > 0.0: frac = depotot / erotot erosion[self.insideIDs, :] *= frac sedflux[self.insideIDs, :] = ( erosion[self.insideIDs, :] + deposition[self.insideIDs, :] ) if verbose: print(" - Total sediment flux time ", time.process_time() - time0) return newdt, sedflux, erosion, deposition, slopeTIN
def _gaussian_diffusion(self, diff, dsmooth): """ Gaussian filter operation used to smooth diffusion related deposition thicknesses. Args: diff: numpy arrays containing the deposition thicknesses. dsmooth: smoothing parameter. Returns ------- zdepsmth numpy array of smoothed deposition thicknesses. """ if self.xgrid is None: dx = self.xycoords[1, 0] - self.xycoords[0, 0] xmin, xmax = min(self.xycoords[:, 0]), max(self.xycoords[:, 0]) ymin, ymax = min(self.xycoords[:, 1]), max(self.xycoords[:, 1]) self.xgrid = numpy.arange(xmin, xmax + dx, dx) self.ygrid = numpy.arange(ymin, ymax + dx, dx) self.xi, self.yi = numpy.meshgrid(self.xgrid, self.ygrid) # Querying the cKDTree later becomes a bottleneck, so distribute the xyi array across all MPI nodes xyi = numpy.dstack([self.xi.flatten(), self.yi.flatten()])[0] splits = numpy.array_split(xyi, 1) split_lengths = numpy.array(list(map(len, splits))) * 3 localxyi = splits[0] query_shape = (xyi.shape[0], 3) # Build Tree tree = cKDTree(self.xycoords[:, :2]) # Querying the KDTree is rather slow, so we split it across MPI nodes nelems = query_shape[0] * query_shape[1] indices = numpy.empty(query_shape, dtype=numpy.int64) localdistances, localindices = tree.query(localxyi, k=3) self.distances = localdistances self.indices = localindices self.onIDs = numpy.where(self.distances[:, 0] == 0)[0] depZ = numpy.copy(diff) if len(depZ[self.indices].shape) == 3: zd_vals = depZ[self.indices][:, :, 0] else: zd_vals = depZ[self.indices] with numpy.errstate(divide="ignore"): zdi = numpy.average(zd_vals, weights=(1.0 / self.distances), axis=1) if len(self.onIDs) > 0: zdi[self.onIDs] = depZ[self.indices[self.onIDs, 0]] depzi = numpy.reshape(zdi, (len(self.ygrid), len(self.xgrid))) smthDep = gaussian_filter(depzi, sigma=dsmooth) rgi_dep = RegularGridInterpolator((self.ygrid, self.xgrid), smthDep) zdepsmth = rgi_dep((self.xycoords[:, 1], self.xycoords[:, 0])) return zdepsmth
[docs] def dt_stability(self, elev, locIDs): """ This function computes the maximal timestep to ensure computation stability of the flow processes. Important: This CFL-like condition is computed using: * erodibility coefficients, * discharge and elevation and * distances between TIN nodes donors and receivers. Args: elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. locIDs: numpy integer-type array containing local nodes global IDs. """ # Compute the local value for time stability dt = flowalgo.flowcfl( locIDs, self.receivers, self.xycoords, elev, self.discharge, self.erodibility, ) # Global mimimum value for diffusion stability self.CFL = dt return
def _visualise_draining_path(self, pIDs, elev, drain, fillH, filename): """ Debugging function used to plot draining pathway between depressions. Args: pIDs: numpy array containing all depression node IDs. elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. drain: numpy arrays containing the draining pit ID. fillH: numpy array containing the filled elevations from Planchon & Darboux depression-less algorithm. filename: name of the output file. """ n1 = len(pIDs) coords = numpy.zeros((n1 * 2, 3)) coords[:n1, 0] = self.xycoords[pIDs, 0] coords[:n1, 1] = self.xycoords[pIDs, 1] coords[:n1, 2] = elev[pIDs] coords[n1:, 0] = self.xycoords[drain[pIDs], 0] coords[n1:, 1] = self.xycoords[drain[pIDs], 1] coords[n1:, 2] = elev[drain[pIDs]] connect = numpy.zeros((n1, 2), dtype=int) connect[:, 0] = numpy.arange(n1) connect[:, 1] = numpy.arange(n1) + n1 h5file = filename + ".hdf5" with h5py.File(h5file, "w") as f: # Write node coordinates and elevation f.create_dataset( "coords", shape=(n1 * 2, 3), dtype="float64", compression="gzip" ) f["coords"][:, :3] = coords f.create_dataset( "connect", shape=(n1, 2), dtype="int32", compression="gzip" ) f["connect"][:, :2] = connect xmf_file = filename + ".xmf" f = open(str(xmf_file), "w") f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') f.write('<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd">\n') f.write('<Xdmf Version="2.0" xmlns:xi="">\n') f.write(" <Domain>\n") f.write(' <Grid GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Spatial">\n') f.write(' <Time Type="Single" Value="0"/>\n') f.write(' <Grid Name="Block.0">\n') f.write(' <Topology Type="Polyline" NodesPerElement="2" ') f.write('NumberOfElements="%d" BaseOffset="0">\n' % n1) f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" DataType="Int" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 2">%s:/connect</DataItem>\n' % (n1, h5file)) f.write(" </Topology>\n") f.write(' <Geometry Type="XYZ">\n') f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 3">%s:/coords</DataItem>\n' % (n1 * 2, h5file)) f.write(" </Geometry>\n") f.write(" </Grid>\n") f.write(" </Grid>\n") f.write(" </Domain>\n") f.write("</Xdmf>\n") f.close() df = pd.DataFrame( { "X": self.xycoords[pIDs, 0], "Y": self.xycoords[pIDs, 1], "Z": elev[pIDs], "V": self.pitVolume[pIDs], "ID": self.pitID[pIDs], "Drain": self.pitDrain[pIDs], } ) df.to_csv( filename + "vol.csv", columns=["X", "Y", "Z", "V", "ID", "Drain"], sep=",", index=False, ) return