Source code for flow.visualiseFlow

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling application.    ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
The set of functions below are used to export the flow network and the associated variables
computed with **badlands**.

**Badlands** uses `hdf5`_ library for outputs generation.
To read the **hdf5** files, the code creates a *XML schema* (**.xmf** files) describing
how the data is stored in the **hdf5** files.

Then `xdmf`_ files provides support to visualise temporal evolution of the output with
applications such as **Paraview** or Visit.

.. image:: img/output.png
   :scale: 50 %
   :alt: Badlands output folder
   :align: center

Above is a typical structure that you will find in **badlands** output folder:

- **h5** folder contains the **hdf5** data, all the information computed by the model are stored in these files. You will have at least the *tin* (surface) and *flow* (stream network) dataset and also the *sed* (stratigraphy) data if the stratal structure is computed in your simulation.
- **xmf** folder contains the XML files used to read the **hdf5** files contained in the **h5** folder.
- the **.xml** input file used to build this specific model.
- two **.xdmf** files for the surface (**tin_series.xdmf**) and the flow network (**flow_series.xdmf**) that read the **xmf** files through time.

    The flow outputs are **hdf5** files.


import time
import h5py
import numpy
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETO

[docs]def output_Polylines(outPts, rcvIDs, visXlim, visYlim, coordXY): """ This function defines the connectivity array for visualising flow network. Args: outPts: numpy integer-type array containing the output node IDs. inIDs: numpy integer-type local nodes array filled with global node IDs excluding partition edges. visXlim: numpy array containing the X-axis extent of visualisation grid. visYlim: numpy array containing the Y-axis extent of visualisation grid. coordXY: 2D numpy float-type array containing X, Y coordinates of the local TIN nodes. Returns ------- flowIDs numpy integer-type array containing the output node IDs for the flow network. polyline numpy 2D integer-type array containing the connectivity IDs for each polyline. """ flowIDs = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate((rcvIDs, outPts))) # For every element in rcvIDs array, find the index in flowIDs assert len(numpy.setdiff1d(rcvIDs, flowIDs)) == 0 sort = numpy.argsort(flowIDs) pos = numpy.searchsorted(flowIDs[sort], rcvIDs) lrcvIDs = sort[pos] # For every element in outPts array, find the index in flowIDs assert len(numpy.setdiff1d(outPts, flowIDs)) == 0 sort1 = numpy.argsort(flowIDs) pos1 = numpy.searchsorted(flowIDs[sort1], outPts) visIDs = sort1[pos1] # Define connectivity array connect = numpy.zeros((len(flowIDs), 2), dtype=int) connect[:, 0] = numpy.arange(len(flowIDs)) connect[:, 1] = numpy.arange(len(flowIDs)) # Find outside domain nodes coords = coordXY[flowIDs, :2] border = numpy.where( (coords[:, 0] <= visXlim[0]) | (coords[:, 0] >= visXlim[1]) | (coords[:, 1] <= visYlim[0]) | (coords[:, 1] >= visYlim[1]) )[0] # For every element in lrcvIDs array, find the index in border sortB = numpy.argsort(lrcvIDs) posB = numpy.searchsorted(lrcvIDs[sortB], border) bIDs = sortB[posB] lrcvIDs[bIDs] = -1 # Trim the connectivity array connect[border, 0] = -1 connect[visIDs, 1] = lrcvIDs connect += 1 # Define polyline connectivity array lineID = numpy.where(connect[:, 0] != connect[:, 1])[0] line = connect[lineID, :2] lineIDs = numpy.where((line[:, 1] > 0) & (line[:, 0] > 0))[0] # polyline = line[lineIDs,:2] return flowIDs, line[lineIDs, :2]
[docs]def write_hdf5( folder, h5file, step, coords, elevation, discharge, chi, sedload, flowdensity, basin, connect, ): """ This function writes for each processor the HDF5 file containing flow network information. Args: folder: name of the output folder. h5file: first part of the hdf5 file name. step: output visualisation step. coords: numpy float-type array containing X, Y coordinates of the local TIN nodes. elevation: numpy float-type array containing Z coordinates of the local TIN nodes. discharge: numpy float-type array containing the discharge values of the local TIN. chi: numpy float-type array containing the chi values of the local TIN. sedload: numpy float-type array containing the sedload values. flowdensity: numpy float-type array containing the flow density. basin: numpy integer-type array containing the basin IDs values of the local TIN. connect: numpy 2D integer-type array containing the local nodes IDs for each connected network. """ h5file = folder + "/" + h5file + str(step) + ".hdf5" with h5py.File(h5file, "w") as f: # Write node coordinates and elevation f.create_dataset( "coords", shape=(len(elevation), 3), dtype="float64", compression="gzip" ) f["coords"][:, :2] = coords f["coords"][:, 2] = elevation f.create_dataset( "connect", shape=(len(connect[:, 0]), 2), dtype="int32", compression="gzip" ) f["connect"][:, :2] = connect f.create_dataset( "basin", shape=(len(basin), 1), dtype="int32", compression="gzip" ) f["basin"][:, 0] = basin f.create_dataset( "chi", shape=(len(chi), 1), dtype="float64", compression="gzip" ) f["chi"][:, 0] = chi f.create_dataset( "sedload", shape=(len(sedload), 1), dtype="float64", compression="gzip" ) f["sedload"][:, 0] = sedload f.create_dataset( "flowdensity", shape=(len(sedload), 1), dtype="float64", compression="gzip" ) f["flowdensity"][:, 0] = flowdensity f.create_dataset( "discharge", shape=(len(discharge), 1), dtype="float64", compression="gzip" ) f["discharge"][:, 0] = discharge / 3.154e7
def _write_xdmf(folder, xdmffile, xmffile, step): """ This function writes the **XDmF** file which is calling the **XmF** file. Args: folder: name of the output folder. xdmffile: XDmF file name. xmffile: first part of the XmF file name. step: output visualisation step. """ f = open(folder + "/" + xdmffile, "w") f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') f.write('<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd">\n') f.write('<Xdmf Version="2.0" xmlns:xi="">\n') f.write(" <Domain>\n") f.write(' <Grid GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">\n') for p in range(step + 1): xfile = xmffile + str(p) + ".xmf" f.write( ' <xi:include href="%s" xpointer="xpointer(//Xdmf/Domain/Grid)"/>\n' % xfile ) f.write(" </Grid>\n") f.write(" </Domain>\n") f.write("</Xdmf>\n") f.close()
[docs]def write_xmf(folder, xmffile, xdmffile, step, time, elems, nodes, h5file): """ This function writes the **XmF** file which is calling each **hdf5** file. Args: folder: name of the output folder. xmffile: first part of the XmF file name. xdmffile: XDmF file name. step: output visualisation step. time: simulation time. elems: numpy integer-type array containing the number of cells of each local partition. nodes: numpy integer-type array containing the number of nodes of each local partition. h5file: first part of the hdf5 file name. """ xmf_file = folder + "/" + xmffile + str(step) + ".xmf" f = open(str(xmf_file), "w") f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') f.write('<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd">\n') f.write('<Xdmf Version="2.0" xmlns:xi="">\n') f.write(" <Domain>\n") f.write(' <Grid GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Spatial">\n') f.write(' <Time Type="Single" Value="%s"/>\n' % time) p = 0 pfile = h5file + str(step) + ".hdf5" f.write(' <Grid Name="Block.%s">\n' % (str(p))) f.write(' <Topology Type="Polyline" NodesPerElement="2" ') f.write('NumberOfElements="%d" BaseOffset="1">\n' % elems[p]) f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" DataType="Int" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 2">%s:/connect</DataItem>\n' % (elems[p], pfile)) f.write(" </Topology>\n") f.write(' <Geometry Type="XYZ">\n') f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 3">%s:/coords</DataItem>\n' % (nodes[p], pfile)) f.write(" </Geometry>\n") f.write(' <Attribute Type="Scalar" Center="Node" Name="BasinID">\n') f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Integer" Precision="4" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 1">%s:/basin</DataItem>\n' % (nodes[p], pfile)) f.write(" </Attribute>\n") f.write( ' <Attribute Type="Scalar" Center="Node" Name="Discharge [m3/s]">\n' ) f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 1">%s:/discharge</DataItem>\n' % (nodes[p], pfile)) f.write(" </Attribute>\n") f.write(' <Attribute Type="Scalar" Center="Node" Name="Chi">\n') f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 1">%s:/chi</DataItem>\n' % (nodes[p], pfile)) f.write(" </Attribute>\n") f.write(' <Attribute Type="Scalar" Center="Node" Name="sedload [m3/s]">\n') f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 1">%s:/sedload</DataItem>\n' % (nodes[p], pfile)) f.write(" </Attribute>\n") f.write( ' <Attribute Type="Scalar" Center="Node" Name="flowdensity adim">\n' ) f.write(' <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" ') f.write('Dimensions="%d 1">%s:/flowdensity</DataItem>\n' % (nodes[p], pfile)) f.write(" </Attribute>\n") f.write(" </Grid>\n") f.write(" </Grid>\n") f.write(" </Domain>\n") f.write("</Xdmf>\n") f.close() _write_xdmf(folder, xdmffile, xmffile, step)