Source code for model

# Copyright 2019 Tristan Salles
# Badlands is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# Badlands is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Badlands.  If not, see <>.

Main components of **badlands** workflow.

import time
import numpy as np

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

import io
import os

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    from badlands import (

[docs]class Model(object): """ .. image:: img/intro.jpg :scale: 50 % :alt: capability :align: center A schematic of **badlands** capabilities illustrating the main variables and forcing conditions. **w** represents the wave boundary conditions, **ld** the longshore drift, **sl** the sea-level, **u** the tectonic, **f** the flexural isostasy and **r** the rainfall patterns. The stratigraphic evolution and morphology are computed through time. Tip: If you are not intending to develop new functionalities, the following two functions are the main ways to interact with **badlands** and are probably all you need to know about the API documentation |:boom:| |:v:| """ def __init__(self): """ State object for the Badlands model. """ # Simulation state self.tNow = 0.0 self.waveID = 0 self.outputStep = 0 self.disp = None self.prop = None self.carbval = None self.carbval2 = None self.carbMaxGrowthSp1 = None self.carbMaxGrowthSp2 = None self.next_carbStep = None self.pelaval = None self.applyDisp = False self.simStarted = False
[docs] def load_xml(self, filename, verbose=False): """ Load the XML input file describing the experiment parameters. Args: filename : (str) path to the XML file to load. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). Note: * Additional information regarding the input file XML options are found on badlands website_. * A good way to start learning **badlands** consists in running the Jupyter Notebooks examples. .. _website: """ np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") # Only the first node should create a unique output dir self.input = xmlParser.xmlParser(filename, makeUniqueOutputDir=True) self.tNow = self.input.tStart # Seed the random number generator consistently on all nodes seed = None # limit to max uint32 seed = np.random.mtrand.RandomState().tomaxint() % 0xFFFFFFFF np.random.seed(seed) # If there's no demfile specified, we assume that it will be loaded # later using _build_mesh if self.input.demfile: self._build_mesh(self.input.demfile, verbose) # Initialise carbonate evolution if any if self.input.carbonate: self.carb = carbGrowth.carbGrowth( self.input, self.recGrid.regX, self.recGrid.regY, self.carbTIN.tinBase ) if self.input.coastdist > 0.0: self.carb.buildReg(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) # Initialise pelagic evolution if any if self.input.pelagic: self.pelagic = pelagicGrowth.pelagicGrowth(self.input)
# Initialize TIN mobilized wave sediments going to fluvial flowNetwork # self.waveMobile = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) # self.waveED = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) def _build_mesh(self, filename, verbose): """ Build TIN based on regular grid. """ # Construct Badlands mesh and grid to run simulation ( self.recGrid, self.FVmesh, self.force, self.lGIDs, self.fixIDs, self.inIDs, parentIDs, self.inGIDs, self.totPts, self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.cumhill, self.cumfail, self.cumflex, self.strata, self.mapero, self.tinFlex, self.flex, self.wave, self.straTIN, self.carbTIN, ) = buildMesh.construct_mesh(self.input, filename, verbose) if self.input.waveSed: self.wavediff = np.zeros((self.totPts)) else: self.wavediff = None # Initialize TIN slope (gradient) self.slopeTIN = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) # Define hillslope parameters self.rain = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) self.hillslope = diffLinear() self.hillslope.CDaerial = self.input.CDa self.hillslope.CDmarine = self.input.CDm self.hillslope.CDriver = self.input.CDr self.hillslope.Sfail = self.input.Sfail self.hillslope.Cfail = self.input.Cfail self.hillslope.Sc = self.input.Sc self.hillslope.updatedt = 0 # Define flow parameters self.flow = flowNetwork(self.input) if self.input.erolays is None: self.flow.erodibility = np.full(self.totPts, self.input.SPLero) else: self.flow.erodibility = self.mapero.erodibility self.flow.mindt = self.input.minDT self.flow.xycoords = self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2] self.flow.spl = self.input.spl self.flow.depo = self.input.depo self.flow.xgrid = None reassignID = np.where(parentIDs < len(parentIDs))[0] if len(reassignID) > 0: tmpTree = cKDTree(self.flow.xycoords[len(parentIDs) :, :2]) distances, indices = tmpTree.query(self.flow.xycoords[reassignID, :2], k=1) indices += len(parentIDs) parentIDs[reassignID] = indices self.flow.parentIDs = parentIDs # Define hydrodynamic conditions if self.input.waveOn: self.force.next_wave = self.input.tStart self.wave.build_tree(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) self.wave.swan_init( self.input, self.elevation, self.waveID, self.force.sealevel ) else: if self.input.waveSed: self.force.next_wave = self.input.tStart + self.input.tWave else: self.force.next_wave = self.input.tEnd + 1.0e5 if self.input.carb: self.next_carbStep = self.input.tStart + self.input.tCarb self.oldsed = np.zeros(len(self.elevation)) if self.carbTIN is not None: self.prop = np.zeros((self.totPts, self.carbTIN.nbSed)) else: self.next_carbStep = self.input.tEnd + 1.0e5 self.prop = np.zeros((self.totPts, 1)) def _rebuild_mesh(self, verbose=False): """ Build TIN after 3D displacements. """ # Build the Finite Volume representation self.fixIDs = self.recGrid.boundsPt + self.recGrid.edgesPt ( self.FVmesh, self.lGIDs, self.inIDs, self.inGIDs, self.totPts, ) = buildMesh.reconstruct_mesh(self.recGrid, self.input, verbose) # Update edges elevation tree1 = cKDTree(self.FVmesh.node_coords[self.fixIDs :, :2]) tmpelev = self.elevation[self.fixIDs :] distances, indices = tree1.query( self.FVmesh.node_coords[: self.fixIDs, :2], k=1 ) self.elevation[: self.fixIDs] = tmpelev[indices] self.hillslope.ids = None # Reset TIN kdtree and rain self.force.update_force_TIN(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) self.rain = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) self.rain[self.inIDs] = self.force.get_Rain( self.tNow, self.elevation, self.inIDs ) # Update flexural isostasy if self.input.flexure: self.tinFlex = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) self.flex.update_flexure_parameters(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) # Update SWAN mesh if self.input.waveOn: self.wave.build_tree(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) # Update stratigraphic mesh if self.input.stratdx > 0: self.strata.update_TIN(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) # Update erodibility maps if self.input.erolays is None: self.flow.erodibility = np.full(self.totPts, self.input.SPLero) else: self.flow.erodibility = self.mapero.erodibility # Update Wavesed grid interpolation if self.input.waveSed: wave.build_tree(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) # Update Carbonate mesh # if self.input.carbonate: # if self.input.coastdist>0.: # self.carb.buildReg(self.FVmesh.node_coords[:,:2]) self.flow.xycoords = self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2] self.flow.xgrid = None self.flow.sedload = None self.flow.flowdensity = None self.flow.domain = None self.hillslope.updatedt = 0 self.carbval = None self.carbval2 = None self.pelaval = None self.prop = np.zeros((self.totPts, 1))
[docs] def run_to_time(self, tEnd, verbose=False): """ Run the simulation to a specified point in time. Args: tEnd : (float) time in years up to run the model for... verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). Warning: If specified end time (**tEnd**) is greater than the one defined in the XML input file priority is given to the XML value. """ assert hasattr( self, "recGrid" ), "DEM file has not been loaded. Configure one in your XML file or call the build_mesh function." if tEnd > self.input.tEnd: print( "Specified end time is greater than the one used in the XML input file and has been adjusted!" ) tEnd = self.input.tEnd # Define non-flow related processes times if not self.simStarted: self.force.next_rain = self.force.T_rain[0, 0] self.force.next_disp = self.force.T_disp[0, 0] self.force.next_carb = self.force.T_carb[0, 0] self.force.next_display = self.input.tStart if self.input.laytime > 0: self.force.next_layer = self.input.tStart + self.input.laytime else: self.force.next_layer = self.input.tEnd + 1000.0 self.exitTime = self.input.tEnd if self.input.flexure: self.force.next_flexure = self.input.tStart + self.input.ftime else: self.force.next_flexure = self.exitTime + self.input.tDisplay self.simStarted = True outStrata = 0 last_time = time.process_time() last_output = time.process_time() # Perform main simulation loop while self.tNow < tEnd: # At most, display output every 5 seconds tloop = time.process_time() - last_time if time.process_time() - last_output >= 5.0: print("tNow = %s (step took %0.02f seconds)" % (self.tNow, tloop)) last_output = time.process_time() last_time = time.process_time() # Load precipitation rate if ( self.force.next_rain <= self.tNow and self.force.next_rain < self.input.tEnd ): if self.tNow == self.input.tStart: ref_elev = buildMesh.get_reference_elevation( self.input, self.recGrid, self.elevation ) self.force.getSea(self.tNow, self.input.udw, ref_elev) self.rain = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) self.rain[self.inIDs] = self.force.get_Rain( self.tNow, self.elevation, self.inIDs ) # Initialize waveFlux at tStart # if self.tNow == self.input.tStart: # self.force.initWaveFlux(self.inIDs) # Load tectonic grid if not self.input.disp3d: # Vertical displacements if ( self.force.next_disp <= self.tNow and self.force.next_disp < self.input.tEnd ): ldisp = np.zeros(self.totPts, dtype=float) ldisp.fill(-1.0e6) ldisp[self.inIDs] = self.force.load_Tecto_map(self.tNow, self.inIDs) self.disp = self.force.disp_border( ldisp, self.FVmesh.neighbours, self.FVmesh.edge_length, self.recGrid.boundsPt, ) self.applyDisp = True else: # 3D displacements if ( self.force.next_disp <= self.tNow and self.force.next_disp < self.input.tEnd ): if self.input.laytime == 0: updateMesh = self.force.load_Disp_map( self.tNow, self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], self.inIDs ) else: # Define 3D displacements on the stratal regions if self.strata is not None: updateMesh, regdX, regdY = self.force.load_Disp_map( self.tNow, self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], self.inIDs, True, self.strata.xyi, self.strata.ids, ) else: updateMesh = self.force.load_Disp_map( self.tNow, self.FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], self.inIDs ) # Update mesh when a 3D displacements field has been loaded if updateMesh: self.force.dispZ = self.force.disp_border( self.force.dispZ, self.FVmesh.neighbours, self.FVmesh.edge_length, self.recGrid.boundsPt, ) # Define flexural flags fflex = 0 flexiso = None if self.input.flexure: flexiso = self.cumflex fflex = 1 # Define stratal flags fstrat = 0 sload = None if ( self.input.udw == 1 and self.tNow == self.input.tStart and self.strata is not None ): if self.strata.oldload is None: self.strata.oldload = np.zeros( len(self.elevation), dtype=float ) if self.strata is not None: if self.strata.oldload is None: self.strata.oldload = np.zeros( len(self.elevation), dtype=float ) if self.input.laytime > 0 and self.strata.oldload is not None: sload = self.strata.oldload fstrat = 1 # Define erodibility map flags fero = 0 vKe = None vTh = None if self.input.erolays is not None: if self.input.erolays >= 0: fero = 1 vKe = self.mapero.Ke vTh = self.mapero.thickness # Apply horizontal displacements ( self.recGrid.tinMesh, self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.cumhill, self.cumfail, self.wavediff, fcum, scum, Ke, Th, ) = self.force.apply_XY_displacements( self.recGrid.areaDel, self.fixIDs, self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.cumhill, self.cumfail, self.wavediff, tflex=flexiso, scum=sload, Te=vTh, Ke=vKe, flexure=fflex, strat=fstrat, ero=fero, ) # Update relevant parameters in deformed TIN if fflex == 1: self.cumflex = fcum if fero == 1: self.mapero.Ke = Ke self.mapero.thickness = Th # Rebuild the computational mesh self._rebuild_mesh(verbose) # In case where the paleoflow workflow is used if self.force.uDisp is not None: self.elevation += self.force.uDisp # Update the stratigraphic mesh if self.input.laytime > 0 and self.strata is not None: self.strata.move_mesh(regdX, regdY, scum, verbose) # Compute isostatic flexure if self.tNow >= self.force.next_flexure: flextime = time.process_time() ref_elev = buildMesh.get_reference_elevation( self.input, self.recGrid, self.elevation ) self.force.getSea(self.tNow, self.input.udw, ref_elev) self.tinFlex = self.flex.get_flexure( self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.force.sealevel, self.recGrid.boundsPt, initFlex=False, ) # Get border values self.tinFlex = self.force.disp_border( self.tinFlex, self.FVmesh.neighbours, self.FVmesh.edge_length, self.recGrid.boundsPt, ) # Update flexural parameters self.elevation += self.tinFlex self.cumflex += self.tinFlex # Update next flexure time self.force.next_flexure += self.input.ftime print( " - Compute flexural isostasy %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - flextime) ) # Compute wavesed parameters if self.tNow >= self.force.next_wave: wavetime = time.process_time() if self.carbTIN is not None: # Update erosion/deposition due to SPM processes on carbTIN self.carbTIN.update_layers( self.cumdiff - self.oldsed, self.elevation ) self.carbTIN.get_active_layer(self.input.tWave * self.input.wEro) actlay = self.carbTIN.alay else: actlay = None # Compute wave field and associated bottom current conditions waveED, nactlay = self.wave.compute_wavesed( self.tNow, self.input, self.force, self.elevation, actlay ) # Wave-remobilized sediments sent to stream network if mobilized over steep slopes # slopeVal = 0.01 # slopeBool = (self.slopeTIN > slopeVal).astype(int) # waveDep = waveED.clip(min=0) # keep positive values (deposition) # self.waveMobile = np.multiply(slopeBool, waveDep) # self.waveED = np.subtract(waveED, self.waveMobile) # self.force.waveFlux = ( # np.multiply(self.waveMobile, self.FVmesh.control_volumes) # / self.input.tWave # ) # Update elevation / cumulative changes based on wave-induced sediment transport self.elevation += waveED self.cumdiff += waveED self.wavediff += waveED self.oldsed = np.copy(self.cumdiff) # self.elevation += self.waveED # self.cumdiff += self.waveED # self.wavediff += self.waveED print( " - Compute wave-induced sediment transport %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - wavetime) ) # Update carbonate active layer if nactlay is not None: self.carbTIN.update_active_layer(nactlay, self.elevation) # Update next wave time step self.force.next_wave += self.input.tWave # Compute carbonate evolution if self.tNow >= self.next_carbStep: carbtime = time.process_time() depth = self.elevation - self.force.sealevel if self.carbTIN is not None: # Update erosion/deposition due to river and diffusion on carbTIN self.carbTIN.update_layers( self.cumdiff - self.oldsed, self.elevation ) # Compute reef growth if self.input.carbonate: # Load carbonate growth rates for species 1 and 2 during a given growth event if ( self.force.next_carb <= self.tNow and self.force.next_carb < self.input.tEnd ): ( self.carbMaxGrowthSp1, self.carbMaxGrowthSp2, ) = self.force.get_carbGrowth(self.tNow, self.inIDs) self.carbval, self.carbval2 = self.carb.computeCarbonate( self.force.meanH, self.cumdiff - self.oldsed, depth, self.carbMaxGrowthSp1, self.carbMaxGrowthSp2, self.input.tCarb, ) if self.carbval2 is not None: self.cumdiff += self.carbval + self.carbval2 self.elevation += self.carbval + self.carbval2 else: self.cumdiff += self.carbval self.elevation += self.carbval if self.carbTIN is not None: self.carbTIN.paleoDepth[:, self.carbTIN.step] = self.elevation self.carbTIN.depoThick[:, self.carbTIN.step, 1] += self.carbval self.carbTIN.layerThick[:, self.carbTIN.step] += self.carbval if self.carbval2 is not None: self.carbTIN.depoThick[ :, self.carbTIN.step, 2 ] += self.carbval2 self.carbTIN.layerThick[ :, self.carbTIN.step ] += self.carbval2 # Compute pelagic rain if self.input.pelagic: self.pelaval = self.pelagic.computePelagic(depth, self.input.tCarb) self.cumdiff += self.pelaval self.elevation += self.pelaval if self.carbTIN is not None: self.carbTIN.paleoDepth[:, self.carbTIN.step] = self.elevation self.carbTIN.depoThick[:, self.carbTIN.step, 0] += self.pelaval self.carbTIN.layerThick[:, self.carbTIN.step] += self.pelaval # Update proportion based on top layer if self.prop is not None: ids = np.where(self.carbTIN.layerThick[:, self.carbTIN.step] > 0.0)[ 0 ] self.prop.fill(0.0) self.prop[ids, 0] = ( self.carbTIN.depoThick[ids, self.carbTIN.step, 0] / self.carbTIN.layerThick[ids, self.carbTIN.step] ) if self.input.carbonate: self.prop[ids, 1] = ( self.carbTIN.depoThick[ids, self.carbTIN.step, 1] / self.carbTIN.layerThick[ids, self.carbTIN.step] ) if self.carbval2 is not None: self.prop[ids, 2] = ( self.carbTIN.depoThick[ids, self.carbTIN.step, 2] / self.carbTIN.layerThick[ids, self.carbTIN.step] ) # Update current cumulative erosion deposition self.oldsed = np.copy(self.cumdiff) self.next_carbStep += self.input.tCarb print( " - Compute carbonate growth %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - carbtime) ) # Update next stratal layer time if self.tNow >= self.force.next_layer: self.force.next_layer += self.input.laytime if self.straTIN is not None: self.straTIN.step += 1 if self.input.laststrat == True: outStrata=0 if self.strata: if self.tNow==tEnd: self.write=1 # set parameter to call hdf5 stratal writer on final strat only else: self.write=0 if self.input.laststrat == False: self.write=outStrata #revert to previous behaviour by default sub = self.strata.buildStrata( self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.force.sealevel, self.recGrid.boundsPt, self.write, self.outputStep, ) self.elevation += sub self.cumdiff += sub outStrata = 0 # Compute stream network self.fillH, self.elevation = buildFlux.streamflow( self.input, self.FVmesh, self.recGrid, self.force, self.hillslope, self.flow, self.elevation, self.lGIDs, self.rain, self.tNow, verbose, ) # Create checkpoint files and write HDF5 output if self.tNow >= self.force.next_display: if self.force.next_display > self.input.tStart: outStrata = 1 checkPoints.write_checkpoints( self.input, self.recGrid, self.lGIDs, self.inIDs, self.tNow, self.FVmesh, self.force, self.flow, self.rain, self.elevation, self.fillH, self.cumdiff, self.cumhill, self.cumfail, self.wavediff, self.outputStep, self.prop, self.mapero, self.cumflex, ) if self.straTIN is not None and self.outputStep % self.input.tmesh == 0: meshtime = time.process_time() self.straTIN.write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self.lGIDs, self.outputStep) print( " - Write sediment mesh output %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - meshtime) ) if self.carbTIN is not None and self.outputStep % self.input.tmesh == 0: meshtime = time.process_time() self.carbTIN.write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self.lGIDs, self.outputStep) print( " - Write carbonate mesh output %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - meshtime) ) # Update next display time last_output = time.process_time() self.force.next_display += self.input.tDisplay self.outputStep += 1 if self.carbTIN is not None: self.carbTIN.step += 1 # Get the maximum time before updating one of the above processes / components tStop = min( [ self.force.next_display, self.force.next_layer, self.force.next_flexure, tEnd, self.force.next_wave, self.force.next_disp, self.force.next_rain, self.next_carbStep, ] ) if tStop < tEnd: ( self.tNow, self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.cumhill, self.cumfail, self.slopeTIN, ) = buildFlux.sediment_flux( self.input, self.recGrid, self.hillslope, self.FVmesh, self.flow, self.force, self.rain, self.lGIDs, self.applyDisp, self.straTIN, self.mapero, self.cumdiff, self.cumhill, self.cumfail, self.fillH, self.disp, self.inGIDs, self.elevation, self.tNow, tStop, verbose, ) else: self.tNow = tEnd tloop = time.process_time() - last_time print("tNow = %s (%0.02f seconds)" % (self.tNow, tloop)) # Isostatic flexure if self.input.flexure: flextime = time.process_time() ref_elev = buildMesh.get_reference_elevation( self.input, self.recGrid, self.elevation ) self.force.getSea(self.tNow, self.input.udw, ref_elev) self.tinFlex = self.flex.get_flexure( self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.force.sealevel, self.recGrid.boundsPt, initFlex=False, ) # Get border values self.tinFlex = self.force.disp_border( self.tinFlex, self.FVmesh.neighbours, self.FVmesh.edge_length, self.recGrid.boundsPt, ) # Update flexural parameters self.elevation += self.tinFlex self.cumflex += self.tinFlex # Update next flexure time self.force.next_flexure += self.input.ftime print( " - Compute flexural isostasy %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - flextime) ) # Update next stratal layer time if self.tNow >= self.force.next_layer: self.force.next_layer += self.input.laytime if self.input.laststrat==True: self.write=1 # set parameter to call hdf5 stratal writer sub = self.strata.buildStrata( self.elevation, self.cumdiff, self.force.sealevel, self.recGrid.boundsPt, self.write, #was 0 self.outputStep + 1, ) self.elevation += sub self.cumdiff += sub # Create checkpoint files and write HDF5 output if ( self.input.udw == 0 or self.tNow == self.input.tEnd or self.tNow == self.force.next_display ): checkPoints.write_checkpoints( self.input, self.recGrid, self.lGIDs, self.inIDs, self.tNow, self.FVmesh, self.force, self.flow, self.rain, self.elevation, self.fillH, self.cumdiff, self.cumhill, self.cumfail, self.wavediff, self.outputStep, self.prop, self.mapero, self.cumflex, ) if self.straTIN is not None and self.outputStep % self.input.tmesh == 0: meshtime = time.process_time() self.straTIN.write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self.lGIDs, self.outputStep) print( " - Write sediment mesh output %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - meshtime) ) if self.carbTIN is not None and self.outputStep % self.input.tmesh == 0: meshtime = time.process_time() self.carbTIN.write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self.lGIDs, self.outputStep) print( " - Write carbonate mesh output %0.02f seconds" % (time.process_time() - meshtime) ) self.force.next_display += self.input.tDisplay self.outputStep += 1 if self.straTIN is not None: self.straTIN.write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self.lGIDs, self.outputStep - 1) if self.carbTIN is not None: self.carbTIN.write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self.lGIDs, self.outputStep - 1) self.carbTIN.step += 1