Source code for simulation.buildFlux

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling application.    ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
This file is the main entry point to compute flow network and associated sedimentary fluxes.

import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import path

import os

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    from badlands import elevationTIN, buildMesh

[docs]def streamflow( input, FVmesh, recGrid, force, hillslope, flow, elevation, lGIDs, rain, tNow, verbose=False, ): """ Compute stream flow. Args: input: class containing XML input file parameters. FVmesh: class describing the finite volume mesh. recGrid: class describing the regular grid characteristics. force: class describing the forcing parameters. hillslope: class describing hillslope processes. flow: class describing stream power law processes. elevation: numpy array containing the elevations for the domain. lGIDs: numpy 1D array containing the node indices. rain: numpy 1D array containing rainfall precipitation values. tNow: simulation time step. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). Returns ------- fillH numpy 1D array containing the depression-less elevation values. elev numpy 1D array containing the elevations. """ # Update sea-level walltime = time.process_time() ref_elev = buildMesh.get_reference_elevation(input, recGrid, elevation) force.getSea(tNow, input.udw, ref_elev) fillH = None # Update river input force.getRivers(tNow) riverrain = rain + force.rivQw # Build an initial depression-less surface at start time if required if input.tStart == tNow and input.nopit == 1: fillH = elevationTIN.pit_stack(elevation, input.nopit, force.sealevel) elevation = fillH else: fillH = elevationTIN.pit_stack(elevation, 0, force.sealevel) if verbose and input.spl: print( " - depression-less algorithm PD with stack", time.process_time() - walltime, ) # Compute stream network walltime = time.process_time() flow.SFD_receivers( fillH, elevation, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.vor_edges, FVmesh.edge_length, lGIDs ) if verbose: print(" - compute receivers parallel ", time.process_time() - walltime) # Distribute evenly local minimas to processors on filled surface walltime = time.process_time() flow.localbase = flow.base flow.ordered_node_array_filled() if verbose: print( " - compute stack order locally for filled surface", time.process_time() - walltime, ) walltime = time.process_time() flow.stack = flow.localstack if verbose: print( " - send stack order for filled surface globally ", time.process_time() - walltime, ) # Distribute evenly local minimas on real surface walltime = time.process_time() flow.localbase1 = flow.base1 flow.ordered_node_array_elev() if verbose: print( " - compute stack order locally for real surface", time.process_time() - walltime, ) walltime = time.process_time() flow.stack1 = flow.localstack1 if verbose: print( " - send stack order for real surface globally ", time.process_time() - walltime, ) # Compute a unique ID for each local depression and their downstream draining nodes flow.compute_parameters_depression( fillH, elevation, FVmesh.control_volumes, force.sealevel ) if verbose: print(" - compute depressions ", time.process_time() - walltime) # Compute discharge walltime = time.process_time() flow.compute_flow(force.sealevel, elevation, FVmesh.control_volumes, riverrain) if verbose: print(" - compute discharge ", time.process_time() - walltime) return fillH, elevation
[docs]def sediment_flux( input, recGrid, hillslope, FVmesh, flow, force, rain, lGIDs, applyDisp, straTIN, mapero, cumdiff, cumhill, cumfail, fillH, disp, inGIDs, elevation, tNow, tEnd, verbose=False, ): """ Compute sediment fluxes. Args: input: class containing XML input file parameters. recGrid: class describing the regular grid characteristics. hillslope: class describing hillslope processes. FVmesh: finite volume mesh. flow: flow parameters. force: forcing parameters. rain: rain values. lGIDs: global nodes indices. applyDisp: applying displacement boolean. straTIN: class for stratigraphic TIN grid. mapero: imposed erodibility maps. cumdiff: cumulative total erosion/deposition changes. cumhill: cumulative hillslope erosion/deposition changes. cumfail: cumulative failure induced erosion/deposition changes. fillH: filled elevation mesh. disp: displacement values . inGIDs: nodes indices. elevation: elevation mesh tNow: simulation time step. tEnd: simulation end time. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). Returns ------- tNow simulation current time. elevation updated numpy 1D array containing the elevations. cumdiff updated cumulative total erosion/deposition changes cumhill updated cumulative hillslope erosion/deposition changes cumfail updated cumulative failure induced erosion/deposition changes """ flow_time = time.process_time() # Get active layer if straTIN is not None: walltime = time.process_time() flow.activelay[flow.activelay < 1.0] = 1.0 flow.activelay[flow.activelay > straTIN.activeh] = straTIN.activeh straTIN.get_active_layer(flow.activelay, verbose) activelay = straTIN.alayR flow.straTIN = 1 # Set the average erodibility based on rock types in the active layer flow.erodibility = np.sum( straTIN.rockCk * activelay / flow.activelay.reshape(len(elevation), 1), axis=1, ) eroCk = straTIN.rockCk if verbose: print(" - Get active layer ", time.process_time() - walltime) else: activelay = None eroCk = 0.0 # Find border/inside nodes if flow.domain is None: ids = np.arange(len(FVmesh.control_volumes)) tmp1 = np.where(FVmesh.control_volumes > 0.0)[0] xyMin = [recGrid.regX.min() - 1.0, recGrid.regY.min() - 1.0] xyMax = [recGrid.regX.max() + 1.0, recGrid.regY.max() + 1.0] flow.domain = path.Path( [ (xyMin[0], xyMin[1]), (xyMax[0], xyMin[1]), (xyMax[0], xyMax[1]), (xyMin[0], xyMax[1]), ] ) tmp2 = flow.domain.contains_points(flow.xycoords) flow.insideIDs = np.intersect1d(tmp1, ids[tmp2]) flow.borders = np.zeros(len(FVmesh.control_volumes), dtype=int) flow.borders[flow.insideIDs] = 1 flow.outsideIDs = np.where(flow.borders == 0)[0] xyMin2 = [ recGrid.regX.min() + recGrid.resEdges, recGrid.regY.min() + recGrid.resEdges, ] xyMax2 = [ recGrid.regX.max() - recGrid.resEdges, recGrid.regY.max() - recGrid.resEdges, ] xyMin2 = [recGrid.regX.min() + 1, recGrid.regY.min() + 1] xyMax2 = [recGrid.regX.max() - 1, recGrid.regY.max() - 1] domain = path.Path( [ (xyMin2[0], xyMin2[1]), (xyMax2[0], xyMin2[1]), (xyMax2[0], xyMax2[1]), (xyMin2[0], xyMax2[1]), ] ) tmp3 = domain.contains_points(flow.xycoords) flow.insideIDs2 = ids[tmp3] flow.borders2 = np.zeros(len(FVmesh.control_volumes), dtype=int) flow.borders2[flow.insideIDs2] = 1 flow.outsideIDs2 = np.where(flow.borders2 == 0)[0] # Compute CFL condition walltime = time.process_time() if input.Hillslope and hillslope.updatedt == 0: if hillslope.Sc == 0: hillslope.dt_stability(FVmesh.edge_length[inGIDs, : FVmesh.maxNgbh]) else: hillslope.dt_stabilityCs( elevation, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.edge_length, lGIDs, flow.borders2 ) if hillslope.CFL < input.minDT: print( "Decrease your hillslope diffusion coefficients to ensure stability." ) sys.exit(0) hillslope.dt_stability_ms(FVmesh.edge_length[inGIDs, : FVmesh.maxNgbh]) hillslope.dt_stability_fail(FVmesh.edge_length[inGIDs, : FVmesh.maxNgbh]) elif hillslope.CFL is None: hillslope.CFL = tEnd - tNow flow.dt_stability(fillH, inGIDs) CFLtime = min(flow.CFL, hillslope.CFL) if CFLtime > 1.0: CFLtime = float(round(CFLtime - 0.5, 0)) if verbose: print("CFL for hillslope and flow ", hillslope.CFL, flow.CFL, CFLtime) CFLtime = min(CFLtime, tEnd - tNow) if input.minDT > 1: if CFLtime < input.minDT: if input.minDT > tEnd - tNow: CFLtime = tEnd - tNow else: CFLtime = max(input.minDT, CFLtime) else: CFLtime = max(input.minDT, CFLtime) else: CFLtime = max(input.minDT, CFLtime) CFLtime = min(input.maxDT, CFLtime) if verbose: print(" - Get CFL time step ", time.process_time() - walltime) # Compute sediment fluxes if input.erolays and input.erolays >= 0: oldelev = np.copy(elevation) # Initial cumulative elevation change walltime = time.process_time() timestep, sedchange, erosion, deposition, slopeTIN = flow.compute_sedflux( FVmesh.control_volumes, elevation, rain, fillH, CFLtime, activelay, eroCk, force.rivQs, force.sealevel, input.perc_dep, input.slp_cr, FVmesh.neighbours, verbose=False, ) if timestep < CFLtime: if input.minDT > tEnd - tNow: CFLtime = tEnd - tNow else: CFLtime = max(input.minDT, CFLtime) else: CFLtime = max(input.minDT, CFLtime) if verbose: print(" - Get stream fluxes ", time.process_time() - walltime) ed = np.sum(sedchange, axis=1) elevation += ed cumdiff += ed # Compute marine sediment diffusion if hillslope.CDriver > 0.0: walltime = time.process_time() # Initialise marine sediments diffusion array it = 0 sumdep = np.sum(deposition, axis=1) maxth = 0.1 diffstep = timestep diffcoeff = hillslope.sedfluxmarine( force.sealevel, elevation, FVmesh.control_volumes ) # Perform river related sediment diffusion while diffstep > 0.0 and it < 1000: # Define maximum time step maxstep = min(hillslope.CFLms, diffstep) # Compute maximum marine fluxes and maximum timestep to avoid excessive diffusion erosion diffmarine, mindt = flow.compute_marine_diffusion( elevation, sumdep, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.vor_edges, FVmesh.edge_length, diffcoeff, lGIDs, force.sealevel, maxth, maxstep, ) diffmarine[flow.outsideIDs] = 0.0 maxstep = min(mindt, maxstep) # if maxstep < input.minDT: # print 'WARNING: marine diffusion time step is smaller than minimum timestep:',maxstep # print 'You will need to decrease your diffusion coefficient for criver' # stop # Update diffusion time step and total diffused thicknesses diffstep -= maxstep # Distribute rock based on their respective proportions in the deposited columns if straTIN is not None: # Compute multi-rock diffusion sedpropflux, difftot = flow.compute_sediment_marine( elevation, deposition, sumdep, diffcoeff * maxstep, FVmesh.neighbours, force.sealevel, maxth, FVmesh.vor_edges, FVmesh.edge_length, lGIDs, ) difftot[flow.outsideIDs] = 0.0 sedpropflux[flow.outsideIDs, :] = 0.0 # Update deposition for each rock type deposition += sedpropflux deposition[deposition < 0] = 0.0 # Update elevation, erosion/deposition sumdep += difftot elevation += difftot cumdiff += difftot else: # Update elevation, erosion/deposition sumdep += diffmarine * maxstep elevation += diffmarine * maxstep cumdiff += diffmarine * maxstep it += 1 # Compute slope failures if hillslope.Sfail > 0.0: walltime = time.process_time() # Initialise sediments diffusion array it = 0 walltime = time.process_time() erofail = flow.compute_failure(elevation, hillslope.Sfail) # Add slope failure erosion slumpID = np.where(erofail < 0)[0] sumdep = -erofail maxth = 0.1 diffstep = timestep diffcoeff = hillslope.sedfluxfailure(FVmesh.control_volumes) # Perform river related sediment diffusion if len(slumpID) > 0: while diffstep > 0.0 and it < 2000: # Define maximum time step maxstep = min(hillslope.CFLfail, diffstep) # Compute maximum marine fluxes and maximum timestep to avoid excessive diffusion erosion difffail, mindt = flow.compute_failure_diffusion( elevation, sumdep, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.vor_edges, FVmesh.edge_length, diffcoeff, lGIDs, maxth, maxstep, ) difffail[flow.outsideIDs] = 0.0 maxstep = min(mindt, maxstep) # Update diffusion time step and total diffused thicknesses diffstep -= maxstep # Update elevation, erosion/deposition sumdep += difffail * maxstep elevation += difffail * maxstep cumdiff += difffail * maxstep cumfail += difffail * maxstep it += 1 if verbose: print( " - Get slope failure sediment fluxes ", time.process_time() - walltime, ) # Compute hillslope processes dtype = 1 if straTIN is None: dtype = 0 walltime = time.process_time() area = np.copy(FVmesh.control_volumes) area[flow.outsideIDs2] = 0.0 diffcoeff = hillslope.sedflux(force.sealevel, elevation, FVmesh.control_volumes) diffcoeff[flow.outsideIDs2] = 0.0 diff_flux = flow.compute_hillslope_diffusion( elevation, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.vor_edges, FVmesh.edge_length, lGIDs, dtype, hillslope.Sc, ) diff_flux[flow.outsideIDs2] = 0.0 cdiff = diffcoeff * diff_flux * timestep if straTIN is None: if input.btype == "outlet": cdiff[flow.insideIDs[0]] = 0.0 # Update dataset elevation[flow.insideIDs] += cdiff[flow.insideIDs] cumdiff[flow.insideIDs] += cdiff[flow.insideIDs] cumhill[flow.insideIDs] += cdiff[flow.insideIDs] else: straTIN.update_layers(erosion, deposition, elevation, verbose) # Get the active layer thickness to erode using diffusion maxlayh = -cdiff maxlayh[maxlayh < 1.0] = 1.0 straTIN.get_active_layer(maxlayh) # Compute multi-rock diffusion tdiff, erosion, deposition = flow.compute_sediment_hillslope( elevation, straTIN.alayR, diffcoeff * timestep, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.vor_edges, maxlayh, FVmesh.edge_length, lGIDs, ) if input.btype == "outlet": tdiff[flow.insideIDs[0], :] = 0.0 # Update dataset elevation += tdiff cumdiff += tdiff cumhill += tdiff # Update active layer straTIN.update_layers(erosion, deposition, elevation, verbose) if input.btype == "slope": elevation[: len(flow.parentIDs)] = elevation[flow.parentIDs] - 0.1 elif input.btype == "flat": elevation[: len(flow.parentIDs)] = elevation[flow.parentIDs] elif input.btype == "wall": elevation[: len(flow.parentIDs)] = elevation[flow.parentIDs] + 100.0 elif input.btype == "outlet": elevation[1 : len(flow.parentIDs)] = elevation[flow.parentIDs[1:]] + 100.0 elif input.btype == "wall1": elevation[: len(flow.parentIDs)] = elevation[flow.parentIDs] - 0.1 elevation[: recGrid.nx + 1] = ( elevation[flow.parentIDs[: recGrid.nx + 1]] + 100.0 ) if verbose: print(" - Get hillslope fluxes ", time.process_time() - walltime) # Update erodibility values if input.erolays and input.erolays >= 0: mapero.getErodibility(elevation - oldelev) flow.erodibility = mapero.erodibility if applyDisp: elevation += disp * timestep tNow += timestep if verbose: print(" - Flow computation ", time.process_time() - flow_time) return tNow, elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, cumfail, slopeTIN