Source code for simulation.buildMesh

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling application.    ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
This file defines the functions used to build **badlands** meshes and surface grids.

import os
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    from badlands import (

[docs]def construct_mesh(input, filename, verbose=False): """ The following function is taking parsed values from the XML to: * build model grids & meshes, * initialise Finite Volume discretisation, * define the partitioning when parallelisation is enable. Args: input: class containing XML input file parameters. filename: (str) this is a string containing the path to the regular grid file. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). Returns ------- recGrid class describing the regular grid characteristics. FVmesh class describing the finite volume mesh. force class describing the forcing parameters. lGIDs numpy 1D array containing the node indices. fixIDs numpy 1D array containing the fixed node indices. inGIDs numpy 1D array containing the node indices inside the mesh. totPts total number of points in the mesh. elevation numpy array containing the elevations for the domain. cumdiff cumulative total erosion/deposition changes cumhill cumulative hillslope erosion/deposition changes cumfail cumulative failure induced erosion/deposition changes cumflex cumlative changes induced by flexural isostasy strata stratigraphic class parameters mapero underlying erodibility map characteristics tinFlex class describing the flexural TIN mesh. flex class describing the flexural isostasy functions. wave class describing the wave functions. straTIN class describing the stratigraphic TIN mesh. carbTIN class describing the carbonate TIN mesh. """ cumflex = None flex = None wave = None tinFlex = None strata = None mapero = None # Get DEM regular grid and create Badlands TIN. recGrid = raster2TIN.raster2TIN(filename, areaDelFactor=input.Afactor) fixIDs = recGrid.boundsPt + recGrid.edgesPt force = forceSim.forceSim( input.seafile, input.seapos, input.rainMap, input.rainTime, input.rainVal, input.orographic, input.orographiclin, input.rbgd, input.rmin, input.rmax, input.rzmax, input.windx, input.windy, input.tauc, input.tauf, input.nm,, input.hw, input.ortime, input.tectFile, input.tectuFile, input.tectTime, recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, input.riverPos, input.riverTime, input.riverQws, input.riverRck, input.riverNb, input.rockNb, input.tDisplay, input.carbValSp1, input.carbValSp2, input.carbTime, ) if input.disp3d: force.time3d = input.time3d if input.merge3d == 0.0 or input.merge3d > recGrid.resEdges: force.merge3d = input.Afactor * recGrid.resEdges * 0.5 else: force.merge3d = input.merge3d # Partition the TIN walltime = time.process_time() FVmesh = FVmethod.FVmethod( recGrid.tinMesh["vertices"], recGrid.tinMesh["triangles"], recGrid.tinMesh["edges"], ) # Define Finite Volume parameters walltime = time.process_time() totPts = len(recGrid.tinMesh["vertices"][:, 0]) lGIDs = np.arange(totPts) inGIDs = lGIDs FVmesh.neighbours = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.int32, order="F") FVmesh.neighbours.fill(-2) FVmesh.edge_length = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float, order="F") FVmesh.vor_edges = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float, order="F") FVmesh.control_volumes = np.zeros(totPts, dtype=np.float) # Compute Finite Volume parameters FVmesh.construct_FV(lGIDs, verbose) if verbose: print(" - FV mesh ", time.process_time() - walltime) # Define TIN parameters if input.flexure: ( elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, cumfail, cumflex, inIDs, parentIDs, ) = _define_TINparams( totPts, lGIDs[recGrid.boundsPt :], input, FVmesh, recGrid, verbose ) else: elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, cumfail, inIDs, parentIDs = _define_TINparams( totPts, lGIDs[recGrid.boundsPt :], input, FVmesh, recGrid, verbose ) # Build stratigraphic and erodibility meshes if (input.laytime and input.laytime > 0) and (input.erolays and input.erolays >= 0): strata, mapero = _build_strateroMesh(input, FVmesh, recGrid, cumdiff, verbose) elif input.laytime and input.laytime > 0: strata = _build_strateroMesh(input, FVmesh, recGrid, cumdiff, verbose) elif input.erolays and input.erolays >= 0: mapero = _build_strateroMesh(input, FVmesh, recGrid, cumdiff, verbose) # Set default to no rain force.update_force_TIN(FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) # Flexural isostasy initialisation if input.flexure: flex, tinFlex, cumflex = _init_flexure( FVmesh, input, recGrid, force, elevation, cumdiff, cumflex, totPts, verbose ) # Wavesed grid initialisation if input.waveSed: ref_elev = get_reference_elevation(input, recGrid, elevation) wave = _init_wavesed(input, ref_elev, recGrid, force, verbose) wave.build_tree(FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2]) # Stratigraphic TIN initialisation if input.rockNb > 0: layNb = int((input.tEnd - input.tStart) / input.laytime) + 2 bPts = recGrid.boundsPt ePts = recGrid.edgesPt if input.restart: straTIN = stratiWedge.stratiWedge( layNb, input.initlayers, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], bPts, ePts, input.layersData, input.actlay, input.outDir, input.strath5file, input.rockNb, recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, elevation, input.rockCk, cumdiff, input.rfolder, input.rstep, ) else: straTIN = stratiWedge.stratiWedge( layNb, input.initlayers, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], bPts, ePts, input.layersData, input.actlay, input.outDir, input.strath5file, input.rockNb, recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, elevation, input.rockCk, ) else: straTIN = None # Stratigraphic grid in case of carbonate and/or pelagic growth functions if input.carbonate: layNb = int((input.tEnd - input.tStart) / input.tDisplay) + 2 bPts = recGrid.boundsPt ePts = recGrid.edgesPt if input.carbonate2: nbSed = 3 else: nbSed = 2 if input.restart: carbTIN = carbMesh.carbMesh( layNb, input.initlayers, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], bPts, ePts, input.layersData, input.outDir, input.strath5file, input.baseMap, nbSed, recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, elevation, input.rfolder, input.rstep, ) else: carbTIN = carbMesh.carbMesh( layNb, input.initlayers, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], bPts, ePts, input.layersData, input.outDir, input.strath5file, input.baseMap, nbSed, recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, elevation, ) else: carbTIN = None return ( recGrid, FVmesh, force, lGIDs, fixIDs, inIDs, parentIDs, inGIDs, totPts, elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, cumfail, cumflex, strata, mapero, tinFlex, flex, wave, straTIN, carbTIN, )
[docs]def reconstruct_mesh(recGrid, input, verbose=False): """ The following function is used after 3D displacements to: * rebuild model grids & meshes, * reinitialise Finite Volume discretisation, * redefine the partitioning when parallelisation is enable. Args: recGrid: class describing the regular grid characteristics. input: class containing XML input file parameters. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). Returns ------- FVmesh class describing the finite volume mesh. lGIDs numpy 1D array containing the node indices. inIDs numpy 1D array containing the local node indices inside the mesh. inGIDs numpy 1D array containing the node indices inside the mesh. totPts total number of points in the mesh. """ walltime = time.process_time() FVmesh = FVmethod.FVmethod( recGrid.tinMesh["vertices"], recGrid.tinMesh["triangles"], recGrid.tinMesh["edges"], ) # Define Finite Volume parameters totPts = len(recGrid.tinMesh["vertices"][:, 0]) lGIDs = np.arange(totPts) inGIDs = lGIDs FVmesh.neighbours = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.int32, order="F") FVmesh.neighbours.fill(-2) FVmesh.edge_length = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float, order="F") FVmesh.vor_edges = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float, order="F") FVmesh.control_volumes = np.zeros(totPts, dtype=np.float) # Compute Finite Volume parameters FVmesh.construct_FV(lGIDs, verbose) if verbose: print(" - reconstructed FV mesh ", time.process_time() - walltime) inIDs = lGIDs[recGrid.boundsPt :] elevationTIN.assign_parameter_pit( FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.control_volumes, input.diffnb, input.diffprop, input.propa, input.propb, recGrid.boundsPt, input.fillmax, ) return FVmesh, lGIDs, inIDs, inGIDs, totPts
def _define_TINparams(totPts, inIDs, input, FVmesh, recGrid, verbose=False): """ This function is defining the main values declared on the TIN. """ walltime = time.process_time() local_elev = np.zeros(totPts) local_elev.fill(-1.0e6) # In case of a restart read values from HDF5 files if input.restart: local_cum = np.zeros(totPts) local_cum.fill(-1.0e6) local_hill = np.zeros(totPts) local_hill.fill(-1.0e6) local_fail = np.zeros(totPts) local_fail.fill(-1.0e6) if input.flexure: local_cumflex = np.zeros(totPts) local_cumflex.fill(-1.0e6) ( local_elev[inIDs], local_cum[inIDs], local_hill[inIDs], local_fail[inIDs], local_cumflex[inIDs], ) = recGrid.load_hdf5_flex( input.rfolder, input.rstep, FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2] ) else: ( local_elev[inIDs], local_cum[inIDs], local_hill[inIDs], local_fail[inIDs], ) = recGrid.load_hdf5( input.rfolder, input.rstep, FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2] ) # Get cumulative erosion/deposition values cumdiff = local_cum cumdiff[: recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.0 cumhill = local_hill cumhill[: recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.0 cumfail = local_hill cumfail[: recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.0 if input.flexure: # Get cumulative flexural values cumflex = local_cumflex cumflex[: recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.0 # Otherwise interpolate elevation from DEM to TIN else: local_elev[inIDs] = elevationTIN.getElevation( recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, recGrid.regZ, FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2] ) # Initialise TIN parameters cumdiff = np.zeros(totPts) cumhill = np.zeros(totPts) cumfail = np.zeros(totPts) if input.flexure: cumflex = np.zeros(totPts) # Assign boundary values elevation, parentIDs = elevationTIN.update_border_elevation( local_elev, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.edge_length, recGrid.boundsPt, btype=input.btype, ) # Define pit filling algorithm elevationTIN.assign_parameter_pit( FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.control_volumes, input.diffnb, input.diffprop, input.propa, input.propb, recGrid.boundsPt, input.fillmax, ) if verbose: print(" - define paramters on TIN grid ", time.process_time() - walltime) if input.flexure: return elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, cumfail, cumflex, inIDs, parentIDs else: return elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, cumfail, inIDs, parentIDs def _build_strateroMesh(input, FVmesh, recGrid, cumdiff, verbose=False): """ This function is creating the stratigraphic mesh and the erodibility maps in cases where these functions are turned on. """ # Build stratigraphic mesh if input.laytime > 0: walltime = time.process_time() sdx = input.stratdx if sdx == 0: sdx = recGrid.rectX[1] - recGrid.rectX[0] bbX = [recGrid.rectX.min(), recGrid.rectX.max()] bbY = [recGrid.rectY.min(), recGrid.rectY.max()] layNb = int((input.tEnd - input.tStart) / input.laytime) + 2 strata = None if input.restart: strata = strataMesh.strataMesh( sdx, bbX, bbY, layNb, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], input.outDir, input.sh5file, input.poro0, input.poroC, cumdiff, input.rfolder, input.rstep, ) else: strata = strataMesh.strataMesh( sdx, bbX, bbY, layNb, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], input.outDir, input.sh5file, input.poro0, input.poroC, ) if verbose: print(" - create stratigraphic regions ", time.process_time() - walltime) # Define pre-existing erodibility maps if input.erolays and input.erolays >= 0: walltime = time.process_time() bPts = recGrid.boundsPt if input.restart: mapero = eroMesh.eroMesh( input.erolays, input.eroMap, input.eroVal, input.SPLero, input.thickMap, input.thickVal, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, bPts, recGrid.edgesPt, input.outDir, rfolder=input.rfolder, rstep=input.rstep, ) else: mapero = eroMesh.eroMesh( input.erolays, input.eroMap, input.eroVal, input.SPLero, input.thickMap, input.thickVal, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, bPts, recGrid.edgesPt, input.outDir, rfolder=None, rstep=0, ) if verbose: print(" - create erodibility mesh ", time.process_time() - walltime) if (input.laytime and input.laytime > 0) and (input.erolays and input.erolays >= 0): return strata, mapero elif input.laytime and input.laytime > 0: return strata else: return mapero def _init_flexure( FVmesh, input, recGrid, force, elevation, cumdiff, cumflex, totPts, verbose=False ): """ Initialise flexural isostasy. """ # Initialise flexure parameters for gFlex library. walltime = time.process_time() nx = input.fnx ny = input.fny elasticT2 = None if nx == 0: nx = recGrid.nx if ny == 0: ny = recGrid.ny if input.elasticH is not None: elasticT = input.elasticH elif input.elasticGrid is not None: elasticT = str(input.elasticGrid) else: elasticT = input.elasticA1 elasticT2 = input.elasticA2 flex = isoFlex.isoFlex() flex.buildGrid( nx, ny, input.youngMod, input.poisson, input.dmantle, input.dsediment, elasticT, elasticT2, input.flexbounds, FVmesh.node_coords[:, :2], input.ftime, ) tinFlex = np.zeros(totPts, dtype=float) ref_elev = get_reference_elevation(input, recGrid, elevation) force.getSea(input.tStart, input.udw, ref_elev) tinFlex = flex.get_flexure( elevation, cumdiff, force.sealevel, recGrid.boundsPt, initFlex=True ) tinFlex = force.disp_border( tinFlex, FVmesh.neighbours, FVmesh.edge_length, recGrid.boundsPt ) cumflex += tinFlex if verbose: print(" - Initialise flexural isostasy ", time.process_time() - walltime) return flex, tinFlex, cumflex def _init_wavesed(input, z0, recGrid, force, verbose=False): """ Initialise wavesed mesh. """ # Initialise wavesed parameters. walltime = time.process_time() wave = waveSed.waveSed(input, recGrid, Ce=input.wCe, Cd=50.0) force.getSea(input.tStart, input.udw, z0) if verbose: print(" - Initialise wavesed grid ", time.process_time() - walltime) return wave
[docs]def get_reference_elevation(input, recGrid, elevation): """ The following function define the elevation from the TIN to a regular grid... Args: input: class containing XML input file parameters. recGrid: class describing the regular grid characteristics. elevation: TIN elevation mesh. Returns: - ref_elev - interpolated elevation on the regular grid """ if input.searef: x_ref, y_ref = input.searef pts = recGrid.tinMesh["vertices"] ref_elev = griddata( points=pts, values=elevation, xi=[x_ref, y_ref], method="nearest" ) else: ref_elev = 0.0 return ref_elev