Source code for simulation.waveSed

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling companion.      ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
Regional scale model of wave propogation and associated sediment transport.

    The wave model is based on **Airy wave theory** and takes into account wave refraction based on
    **Huygen's principle**.

Airy wave theory:

.. image:: img/airy.png
   :scale: 90 %
   :alt: airy wave theory
   :align: center

Huygen's principle:

.. image:: img/huygens.jpg
   :scale: 110 %
   :alt: Huygens theory
   :align: center

The sediment entrainment is computed from wave shear stress and transport according to both
wave direction and longshore transport. Deposition is dependent of shear stress and diffusion.

    The model is intended to quickly simulate the average impact of wave induced sediment transport
    at large scale and over geological time period.


import os
import math
import time
import errno
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import interpn
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter

from matplotlib.path import Path
from collections import OrderedDict

if 'READTHEDOCS' not in os.environ:
    from random import *
    from badlands import waveseds as ocean

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action = "ignore", category = FutureWarning)

[docs]class waveSed: """ Class for building wave based on **linear wave theory**. Initialisation function. Args: input: class containing XML input file parameters. recGrid: class describing the regular grid characteristics. Ce: sediment entrainment coefficient [Default is 1.]. Cd: sediment diffusion coefficient [Default is 30.]. """ def __init__(self, input, recGrid, Ce, Cd): # Gravity [L/T2] self.grav = 9.81 # Sea water density [M/L3] self.rhow = 1027 # Sediment density [M/L3] self.rhos = 2650 # Porosity self.poro = 0.4 # Bottom friction coefficient self.fric = 0.032 # Kinematic viscosity water (20C) [m2/s] = 1.004*1.e-6 self.dia = input.d50 self.tsteps = input.tsteps self.dsteps = input.dsteps self.Ce = Ce self.Cd = Cd # Maximum eroded thickness for each time step self.Ero = input.wEro*input.tWave # Non-dimensional diameter self.ds = self.dia*np.power(self.grav*(self.rhos/self.rhow-1)/(*,1./3.) # Van Rijn formula if self.ds <= 4.: self.tau_cr = 0.24*np.power(self.ds,-1.) elif self.ds<= 10.: self.tau_cr = 0.14*np.power(self.ds,-0.64) elif self.ds<= 20.: self.tau_cr = 0.04*np.power(self.ds,-0.1) elif self.ds<= 150.: self.tau_cr = 0.013*np.power(self.ds,0.29) else: self.tau_cr = 0.055 self.tau_cr = self.tau_cr*self.grav*self.dia*(self.rhos-self.rhow) self.wavebase = input.waveBase self.resfac = input.resW minX = recGrid.rectX.min()-input.resW maxX = recGrid.rectX.max()+input.resW minY = recGrid.rectY.min()-input.resW maxY = recGrid.rectY.max()+input.resW self.dx = float(input.resW) self.regX = np.arange(minX,maxX+self.dx,self.dx) self.regY = np.arange(minY,maxY+self.dx,self.dx) self.nx = len(self.regX) self.ny = len(self.regY) self.regZ = np.zeros((self.nx,self.ny),order='F') self.xi, self.yi = np.meshgrid(self.regX, self.regY) self.XY = np.column_stack((self.xi.flatten(),self.yi.flatten())) self.wtree2 = cKDTree(self.XY) self.sealvl = 0. self.inland = None self.depth = None self.sear = None self.seac = None self.landc = None self.landr = None self.transX = None self.transY = None self.erodep = None self.waveS = None self.waveH = None self.dists = None self.inds = None self.wxyTIN = None self.wtree = None self.dists2 = None self.inds2 = None self.regularlayer = None return
[docs] def build_tree(self, xyTIN): """ Update wave mesh. Args: xyTIN: numpy float-type array containing the coordinates for each nodes in the TIN (in m) """ # Update TIN grid kdtree for interpolation self.wxyTIN = xyTIN self.wtree = cKDTree(xyTIN) tindx = xyTIN[1,0] - xyTIN[0,0] schpts = max(int(self.dx*self.dx/(tindx*tindx)),4) self.dists, self.inds = self.wtree.query(self.XY, k=schpts) self.dists2, self.inds2 = self.wtree2.query(self.wxyTIN, k=4) return
[docs] def compute_wavesed(self,tNow,input,force,elev,actlay): """ This function computes **wave evolution** and wave-induced **sedimentary changes**. Args: tNow: current simulation time. input: class containing XML input file parameters. force: class containing wave forcing parameters. elev: elevation of the TIN. actlay: active layer from TIN. Returns ------- tED numpy array containing wave induced erosion/deposition changes. nactlay numpy array containing the updated active layer rock-type content. """ self.sealvl = force.sealevel self._findland(elev, actlay, self.sealvl) inside = 0 if actlay is not None: nactlay = np.copy(actlay) else: nactlay = None for w in range(input.waveNb): if tNow >= input.waveTime[w,0] and tNow < input.waveTime[w,1]: for clim in range(input.climNb[w]): perc = input.wavePerc[w][clim] direction = input.waveWd[w][clim] height = input.waveWh[w][clim] # Define wave source direction source = self._wavesource(direction) # Compute wave parameters for given condition self._cmptwaves(source, h0=height, sigma=1.) t1 = time.process_time() # Compute sediment transport self._cmptsed(perc,sigma=1.) if clim > 0: avedz += self.erodep avewH += self.waveH*perc avewS += self.waveS*perc else: inside = 1 avedz = self.erodep avewH = self.waveH*perc avewS = self.waveS*perc # Interpolate to TIN nodes if inside > 0: # Interpolate wave mesh information on TIN h = avewH.flatten('F') s = avewS.flatten('F') ed = avedz.flatten('F') h_vals = h[self.inds2] s_vals = s[self.inds2] ed_vals = ed[self.inds2] with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): force.meanH = np.average(h_vals,weights=(1./self.dists2), axis=1) force.meanS = np.average(s_vals,weights=(1./self.dists2), axis=1) tED = np.average(ed_vals,weights=(1./self.dists2), axis=1) onIDs = np.where(self.dists2[:,0] == 0)[0] if len(onIDs) > 0: force.meanH[onIDs] = h[self.inds2[onIDs,0]] force.meanS[onIDs] = s[self.inds2[onIDs,0]] tED[onIDs] = ed[self.inds2[onIDs,0]] if actlay is not None: tal = actlay[:,0] + tED tal[tal<0.] = 0. nactlay[:,0] = tal # al = self.regularlayer.flatten('F') # al_vals = al[self.inds2] # with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # tal = np.average(al_vals,weights=(1./self.dists2), axis=1) # if len(onIDs) > 0: # tal[onIDs] = al[self.inds2[onIDs,0]] # tal[tal<0.] = 0. # nactlay[:,0] = tal # force.meanH = interpn( (self.regX, self.regY), avewH, (self.wxyTIN), method='linear') # force.meanS = interpn( (self.regX, self.regY), avewS, (self.wxyTIN), method='linear') # tED = interpn( (self.regX, self.regY), avedz, (self.wxyTIN), method='linear') else: force.meanH = np.zeros(len(self.wxyTIN)) force.meanS = np.zeros(len(self.wxyTIN)) tED = np.zeros(len(self.wxyTIN)) return tED, nactlay
def _wavesource(self, dir=0.): """ This function defines wave source boundary conditions from input directions. Args: dir: wave direction from input condition. Returns: - src - numpy array containing the imposed wave boundary conditions. """ src = np.zeros(self.regZ.shape) src.fill(-2) # East if dir == 0: src[-1,:] = 0 # North elif dir == 90: src[:,-1] = 0 # West elif dir == 180: src[0,:] = 0 # South elif dir == 270: src[:,0] = 0 # North-East elif dir > 0 and dir < 90: src[-1,-1] = 0 # North-West elif dir > 90 and dir < 180: src[0,-1] = 0 # South-West elif dir > 180 and dir < 270: src[0,0] = 0 # South-East elif dir > 270: src[-1,0] = 0 src[self.landr,self.landc] = -2 return src def _findland(self, elev, actlay, lvl=0.): """ This function computes the land IDs as well as the lake IDs. Args: elev: elevation of the TIN. actlay: active layer from TIN. lvl: sea-level position. """ self.sealvl = lvl # Interpolate TIN elevation on wave mesh z_vals = elev[self.inds] with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): nz = np.average(z_vals,weights=(1./self.dists), axis=1) onIDs = np.where(self.dists[:,0] == 0)[0] if len(onIDs) > 0: nz[onIDs] = elev[self.inds[onIDs,0]] self.regZ = np.reshape(nz,(self.nx,self.ny),order='F') # Interpolate TIN active layer composition on wave mesh if actlay is not None: a_vals = actlay[self.inds,0] with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): na = np.average(a_vals,weights=(1./self.dists), axis=1) if len(onIDs) > 0: na[onIDs] = actlay[self.inds[onIDs,0],0] self.regularlayer = np.reshape(na,(self.nx,self.ny),order='F') # Specify land/sea areas tmpxi = self.xi tmpXY = self.XY self.inland = np.ones(self.regZ.shape) self.depth = self.sealvl - self.regZ self.sear,self.seac = np.where(self.depth>0) self.inland[self.sear,self.seac]=0 self.landr,self.landc = np.where(self.depth<=0) return def _cmptwaves(self, src=None, h0=0., sigma=1., shadow=0, shoalC=0.99): """ Waves are transformed from deep to shallow water assuming shore-parallel depth contours. The orientation of wave fronts is determine by wave celerity and refraction due to depth variations and travel time in the domain is calculated from Huygen's principle. Args: src: position of wave boundary condition. h0: wave height value along the boundary. sigma: smoothing coefficient. shadow: considering shadow effect (1) or no shadow (0) [default is 0]. shoalC: coefficent at attenuation in shoaling region [default is 0.99]. """ waveC,waveL,travel,self.waveH = ocean.airymodel(self.dx, shoalC,h0,self.depth, src,self.inland,shadow) lkr,lkc = np.where(np.logical_and(travel<0,self.depth>0)) self.waveH[lkr,lkc] *= 0.05 self.waveH[self.waveH>h0*1.25] = h0*1.25 #self.waveU = np.copy(travel) #waveC = gaussian_filter(waveC, sigma=sigma) waveL = gaussian_filter(waveL, sigma=sigma) waveL[self.landr,self.landc] = 0. # Breaking wave height Hb = np.zeros(waveC.shape) # McCowan (1894) Hb[self.sear,self.seac] = 0.78*self.depth[self.sear,self.seac] # Wave height [L] self.waveH = gaussian_filter(self.waveH, sigma=sigma) self.waveH[self.landr,self.landc] = 0. breakr,breakc = np.where(self.waveH>Hb) self.waveH[breakr,breakc] = Hb[breakr,breakc] # Wave direction [radians] travel[travel<0.] = travel.max()+10. gradx,grady = np.gradient(travel,edge_order=2) waveD = np.arctan2(grady, gradx) waveD = waveD%(np.pi*2) # Wave maximum orbital velocity [L/T] waveU = np.zeros(waveC.shape) tmp3 = np.sqrt(self.grav/self.depth[self.sear,self.seac]) waveU[self.sear,self.seac] = 0.5*self.waveH[self.sear,self.seac]*tmp3 waveU = gaussian_filter(waveU, sigma=sigma) tmpr1,tmpc1 = np.where(self.depth>self.wavebase) waveU[tmpr1,tmpc1] = 0. # Bathymetric contour angle gradx,grady = np.gradient(self.regZ,edge_order=2) cDir = np.arctan2(grady, gradx)+np.pi/2. cDir = cDir%(np.pi*2) # Wave transport direction self.transpX = np.cos(waveD) self.transpY = np.sin(waveD) # Longshore drift contour tr,tc = np.where(abs(waveD-cDir)>0.5*np.pi) cDir[tr,tc] = cDir[tr,tc]+np.pi # Sediment transport direction tmpr,tmpc = np.where(np.logical_and(self.depth>0.,self.depth<self.wavebase*0.5)) self.transpX[tmpr,tmpc] = np.cos(cDir[tmpr,tmpc]) self.transpY[tmpr,tmpc] = np.sin(cDir[tmpr,tmpc]) self.transpX[self.landr,self.landc] = 0. self.transpY[self.landr,self.landc] = 0. # Wave period [T] waveT = np.zeros(waveC.shape) tmpr1,tmpc1 = np.where(self.depth>0.5) waveT[tmpr1,tmpc1] = waveL[tmpr1,tmpc1]/np.sqrt(self.grav*self.depth[tmpr1,tmpc1]) # Friction factor fric = np.zeros(waveC.shape) kbb = 2.*np.pi*self.dia/12. R = waveU*waveT/(2.*np.pi*kbb) tmpr2,tmpc2 = np.where(R>0.) fric[tmpr2,tmpc2] = 1.39*np.power(R[tmpr2,tmpc2],-0.52) # Shear stress (N/m2) self.waveS = 0.5*self.rhow*fric*np.power(waveU,2.) self.waveS = gaussian_filter(self.waveS, sigma=sigma) self.waveS[self.landr,self.landc] = 0. return def _cmptsed(self, perc, sigma=1.): """ Compute wave induced sedimentation (erosion/deposition). Args: perc: percentage of activity for the considered wave climate sigma: smoothing coefficient. """ # Thickness of entrained sediment [L] self.waveS[self.waveS<1.e-5] = 0. r,c=np.where(self.waveS>0.) Hent = np.zeros(self.waveS.shape) #Hent[r,c] = self.Ce*np.log(self.waveS[r,c]/self.tau_cr)*perc Hent[r,c] = -self.Ce*np.log(np.sqrt(np.power(self.tau_cr/self.waveS[r,c],2)))*perc Hent[Hent<0.] = 0. r,c=np.where(np.logical_and(Hent>0.,Hent>0.25*self.depth)) Hent[r,c] = 0.25*self.depth[r,c] if sigma>0: Hent = gaussian_filter(Hent, sigma=sigma) Hent[self.landr,self.landc] = 0. Hent[Hent>self.Ero] = self.Ero if np.max(Hent)==0.: self.erodep = np.zeros(self.waveS.shape) return # Limit erosion thickness based on active layer composition if self.regularlayer is not None: tr1,tc1 = np.where(Hent>self.regularlayer) if len(tr1)>0: Hent[tr1,tc1] = self.regularlayer[tr1,tc1] # Proportion of transport in X,Y direction tot = np.abs(self.transpX)+np.abs(self.transpY) tr,tc = np.where(tot>0) tX = np.zeros(self.waveS.shape) tY = np.zeros(self.waveS.shape) tX[tr,tc] = self.transpX[tr,tc]/tot[tr,tc] tY[tr,tc] = self.transpY[tr,tc]/tot[tr,tc] # Compute sediment transport wdz,distw = ocean.wavtransport(self.tsteps,self.depth,Hent,tX,tY) # Diffuse marine coefficient area = self.dx*self.dx CFL = float(area*area/(4.*self.Cd*area)) Cdiff = self.Cd/area # Perform wave related sediment diffusion nelev = -self.depth+wdz-Hent # Compute maximum marine fluxes and maximum timestep to avoid excessive diffusion erosion ndz = ocean.wavdiffusion(nelev, wdz, Cdiff, self.Ero, CFL, self.dsteps) # Distribute sediment if sigma>0.: val = gaussian_filter(ndz+distw, sigma=sigma) totval = np.sum(val) if totval>0.: frac = np.sum(ndz+distw)/totval else: frac = 1. val = frac*val else: val = ndz+distw dz = val-Hent r,c = np.where(np.logical_and(dz>0,self.depth<-2.)) dz[r,c] = 0. if self.regularlayer is not None: self.regularlayer += dz r2,c2 = np.where(self.regularlayer<0.) self.regularlayer[r2,c2] = 0. dz[r2,c2] = 0. self.erodep = dz return