Source code for underland.carbMesh

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling application.    ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
This module defines the stratigraphic layers based on the irregular TIN grid when the
carbonate or pelagic functions are used.
import os
import glob
import time
import h5py
import numpy
import pandas
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

if 'READTHEDOCS' not in os.environ:
    from badlands import pdalgo

[docs]class carbMesh(): """ This class builds stratigraphic layers over time based on erosion/deposition values when the. carbonate or pelagic functions are used. Args: layNb: total number of stratigraphic layers elay: regular grid layer thicknesses xyTIN: numpy float-type array containing the coordinates for each nodes in the TIN (in m) bPts: boundary points for the TIN. ePts: boundary points for the regular grid. thickMap: filename containing initial layer parameters folder: name of the output folder. h5file: first part of the hdf5 file name. baseMap: basement map. nbSed: number of rock types. regX: numpy array containing the X-coordinates of the regular input grid. regY: numpy array containing the Y-coordinates of the regular input grid. elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. rfolder: restart folder. rstep: restart step. """ def __init__(self, layNb, elay, xyTIN, bPts, ePts, thickMap, folder, h5file, baseMap, nbSed, regX, regY, elev, rfolder=None, rstep=0): # Number of points on the TIN self.ptsNb = len(xyTIN) self.folder = folder self.h5file = h5file self.initlay = elay self.alay = None self.baseMap = baseMap self.tinBase = None self.nbSed = nbSed if self.baseMap is not None: self._build_basement(xyTIN,bPts,regX,regY) # In case we restart a simulation if rstep > 0: if os.path.exists(rfolder): folder = rfolder+'/h5/' fileCPU = 'stratal.time%s.hdf5'%rstep restartncpus = len(glob.glob1(folder,fileCPU)) if restartncpus == 0: raise ValueError('The requested time step for the restart simulation cannot be found in the restart folder.') else: raise ValueError('The restart folder is missing or the given path is incorrect.') if restartncpus != size: raise ValueError('When using the stratal model you need to run the restart simulation with the same number of processors as the previous one.') df = h5py.File('%s/h5/stratal.time%s.hdf5'%(rfolder, rstep), 'r') paleoDepth = numpy.array((df['/paleoDepth'])) eroLay = paleoDepth.shape[1] self.step = paleoDepth.shape[1] # Elevation at time of deposition (paleo-depth) self.paleoDepth = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') self.layerThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') self.paleoDepth[:,:eroLay] = paleoDepth # Deposition thickness for each type of sediment self.depoThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay,self.nbSed),order='F') for r in range(4): self.depoThick[:,:eroLay,r] = numpy.array((df['/depoThickRock'+str(r)])) self.layerThick[:,:eroLay] = numpy.sum(self.depoThick[:,:eroLay,:],axis=-1) else: eroLay = elay+1 self.step = eroLay tmpTH = numpy.zeros(self.ptsNb) # Elevation at time of deposition (paleo-depth) self.paleoDepth = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') # Deposition thickness for each type of sediment self.depoThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay,self.nbSed),order='F') self.layerThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') # Rock type array rockType = -numpy.ones(self.ptsNb,dtype=int) # If predefined layers exists if elay > 0: # Build the underlying erodibility mesh and associated thicknesses # Define inside area kdtree inTree = cKDTree(xyTIN[bPts:ePts+bPts,:]) dist, inID = inTree.query(xyTIN[:bPts,:],k=1) inID += bPts # Data is stored from top predefined layer to bottom. self.paleoDepth[:,eroLay] = elev for l in range(1,eroLay): thMap = pandas.read_csv(str(thickMap[l-1]), sep=r'\s+', engine='c', header=None, na_filter=False, dtype=numpy.float, low_memory=False) # Extract thickness values tmpH = thMap.values[:,0] tH = numpy.reshape(tmpH,(len(regX), len(regY)), order='F') # Nearest neighbours interpolation to extract rock type values tmpS = thMap.values[:,1].astype(int) tS = numpy.reshape(tmpS,(len(regX), len(regY)), order='F') rockType[bPts:] = interpolate.interpn( (regX, regY), tS, xyTIN[bPts:,:], method='nearest') # Linear interpolation to define underlying layers on the TIN tmpTH.fill(0.) tmpTH[bPts:] = interpolate.interpn( (regX, regY), tH, xyTIN[bPts:,:], method='linear') for r in range(self.nbSed): ids = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(rockType==r,tmpTH>0.)) self.depoThick[ids,eroLay-l,r] = tmpTH[ids] self.paleoDepth[ids,eroLay-l] = self.paleoDepth[ids,eroLay-l+1]-tmpTH[ids] if eroLay-l==1: self.depoThick[ids,0,r] = 1.e6 self.paleoDepth[ids,0] = self.paleoDepth[ids,1]-1.e6 # Add an infinite rock layer with the same characteristics as the deepest one self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r] = self.depoThick[inID,eroLay-l,r] if r == 0: self.paleoDepth[:bPts,eroLay-l] = self.paleoDepth[:bPts,eroLay-l+1]-self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r] else: self.paleoDepth[:bPts,eroLay-l] -= self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r] if eroLay-l==1: ids = numpy.where(self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r]>0)[0] self.depoThick[ids,0,r] = 1.e6 self.paleoDepth[ids,0] = self.paleoDepth[ids,1]-1.e6 self.layerThick[:,eroLay-l] = numpy.sum(self.depoThick[:,eroLay-l,:],axis=-1) self.layerThick[:,0] = 1.e6 else: # Add an infinite rock layer with the same characteristics as the deepest one self.depoThick[:,0,0] = 1.e6 self.layerThick[:,0] = 1.e6 self.paleoDepth[:,0] = elev self.step = 0 seaIds = numpy.where(self.tinBase==0)[0] self.depoThick[seaIds,0,0] = 0. self.depoThick[seaIds,0,1] = 1.e6 return def _build_basement(self, tXY, bPts, regX, regY): """ Using Pandas library to read the basement map file and define consolidated and soft sediment region. """ self.tXY = tXY # Read basement file self.tinBase = numpy.ones(len(tXY)) Bmap = pandas.read_csv(str(self.baseMap), sep=r'\s+', engine='c', header=None, na_filter=False, dtype=numpy.float, low_memory=False) rectBase = numpy.reshape(Bmap.values,(len(regX), len(regY)),order='F') self.tinBase[bPts:] = interpolate.interpn( (regX, regY), rectBase, tXY[bPts:,:], method='linear') return
[docs] def get_active_layer(self, actlay, verbose=False): """ This function extracts the active layer based on the underlying stratigraphic architecture. Args: actlay : active layer elevation based on nodes elevation (m). verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). """ time0 = time.process_time() self.alay = pdalgo.getactlay2(actlay, self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1], self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,:]) if verbose: print(" - Get active layer composition ", time.process_time() - time0) time0 = time.process_time() return
[docs] def update_active_layer(self, actlayer, elev, verbose=False): """ This function updates the stratigraphic layers based active layer composition. Args: actlay : active layer elevation based on nodes elevation (m). elev : elevation values for TIN nodes. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). """ time0 = time.process_time() ero = actlayer[:,0]-self.alay[:,0] ero[ero>0.] = 0. depo = actlayer[:,0]-self.alay[:,0] depo[depo<0.] = 0. newH, newS = pdalgo.updatecstrati(self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,:], self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1], ero, depo) self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,0] = newS self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1] = newH self.paleoDepth[:,self.step] = elev if verbose: print(" - Update active layer due to wave-induced erosion/deposition ", time.process_time() - time0) return
[docs] def update_layers(self, clastic, elev, verbose=False): """ This function updates the stratigraphic layers. Args: clastic : active layer clastic proportion. elev : elevation values for TIN nodes. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). """ time0 = time.process_time() newH, newS = pdalgo.stratcarb(self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,:], self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1], clastic) self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,:] = newS[:,:self.step+1,:] self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1] = newH[:,:self.step+1] self.paleoDepth[:,self.step] = elev if verbose: print(" - Update erosion/deposition ", time.process_time() - time0) return
[docs] def write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self, lGIDs, outstep): """ This function writes for each processor the HDF5 file containing sub-surface information. Args: lGIDs: global node IDs for considered partition. outstep: output time step. """ sh5file = self.folder+'/'+self.h5file+str(outstep)+'.hdf5' with h5py.File(sh5file, "w") as f: # Write stratal layers paeleoelevations per cells f.create_dataset('paleoDepth',shape=(len(lGIDs),self.step+1), dtype='float64', compression='gzip') f["paleoDepth"][lGIDs,:self.step+1] = self.paleoDepth[lGIDs,:self.step+1] # Write stratal layers thicknesses per cells for r in range(self.nbSed): f.create_dataset('depoThickRock'+str(r),shape=(len(lGIDs),self.step+1), dtype='float64', compression='gzip') f['depoThickRock'+str(r)][lGIDs,:self.step+1] = self.depoThick[lGIDs,:self.step+1,r] return