Source code for underland.eroMesh

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling application.    ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
This module defines the **erodibility** and **thickness** of previously defined stratigraphic layers.
import os
import glob
import time
import h5py
import numpy
import pandas
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

[docs]class eroMesh: """ This class builds the erodibility and thickness of underlying initial stratigraphic layers. Args: layNb: total number of erosion stratigraphic layers eroMap: erodibility map for each erosion stratigraphic layers eroVal: erodibility value for each erosion stratigraphic layers eroTop: erodibility value for reworked sediment thickMap: thickness map for each erosion stratigraphic layers thickVal: thickness value for each erosion stratigraphic layers xyTIN: numpy float-type array containing the coordinates for each nodes in the TIN (in m) regX: numpy array containing the X-coordinates of the regular input grid. regY: numpy array containing the Y-coordinates of the regular input grid. bPts: boundary points for the TIN. ePts: boundary points for the regular grid. folder: name of the output folder. rfolder: restart folder. rstep: restart step. """ def __init__( self, layNb, eroMap, eroVal, eroTop, thickMap, thickVal, xyTIN, regX, regY, bPts, ePts, folder, rfolder=None, rstep=0, ): self.regX = regX self.regY = regY self.layNb = layNb + 1 nbPts = len(xyTIN[:, 0]) self.folder = folder # Build erosion layers # If we restart a simulation if rstep > 0: if os.path.exists(rfolder): folder = rfolder + "/h5/" else: raise ValueError( "The restart folder is missing or the given path is incorrect." ) df = h5py.File("%s/h5/erolay.time%s.hdf5" % (rfolder, rstep), "r") self.thickness = numpy.array((df["/elayDepth"])) self.Ke = numpy.array((df["/elayKe"])) # Get erodibility from erosive layer thicknesses self.erodibility = numpy.zeros(nbPts) for k in range(self.layNb): existIDs = numpy.where( numpy.logical_and( self.thickness[:, k] > 0.0, self.erodibility[:] == 0.0 ) )[0] self.erodibility[existIDs] = self.Ke[existIDs, k] if len(numpy.where(self.erodibility == 0)[0]) == 0: break # Build the underlying erodibility mesh and associated thicknesses else: # Initial top layer (id=0) is for reworked sediment (freshly deposited) self.thickness = numpy.zeros((nbPts, self.layNb), dtype=float) self.Ke = numpy.zeros((nbPts, self.layNb), dtype=float) self.thickness[:, 0] = 0 self.Ke[:, 0] = eroTop # Define inside area kdtree inTree = cKDTree(xyTIN[bPts : ePts + bPts, :]) dist, inID = inTree.query(xyTIN[:bPts, :], k=1) inID += bPts # Loop through the underlying layers for l in range(1, self.layNb): # Uniform erodibility value if eroMap[l - 1] == None: self.Ke[:, l] = eroVal[l - 1] # Erodibility map else: eMap = pandas.read_csv( str(eroMap[l - 1]), sep=r"\s+", engine="c", header=None, na_filter=False, dtype=numpy.float, low_memory=False, ) reMap = numpy.reshape( eMap.values, (len(self.regX), len(self.regY)), order="F" ) self.Ke[bPts:, l] = interpolate.interpn( (self.regX, self.regY), reMap, xyTIN[bPts:, :], method="nearest" ) # Assign boundary nodes tmpK = self.Ke[bPts:, l] self.Ke[:bPts, l] = tmpK[inID] # Uniform thickness value if thickMap[l - 1] == None: self.thickness[:, l] = thickVal[l - 1] # Thickness map else: tMap = pandas.read_csv( str(thickMap[l - 1]), sep=r"\s+", engine="c", header=None, na_filter=False, dtype=numpy.float, low_memory=False, ) rtMap = numpy.reshape( tMap.values, (len(self.regX), len(self.regY)), order="F" ) self.thickness[bPts:, l] = interpolate.interpn( (self.regX, self.regY), rtMap, xyTIN[bPts:, :], method="linear" ) # Assign boundary nodes tmpH = self.thickness[bPts:, l] self.thickness[:bPts, l] = tmpH[inID] # Define active layer erodibility self.erodibility = numpy.zeros(nbPts) for l in range(1, self.layNb): # Get erodibility coefficients from active underlying layers tmpIDs = numpy.where( numpy.logical_and( self.thickness[:, l] > 0.0, self.erodibility[:] == 0.0 ) )[0] self.erodibility[tmpIDs] = self.Ke[tmpIDs, l] if len(numpy.where(self.erodibility == 0)[0]) == 0: break # Bottom layer is supposed to be infinitely thick self.thickness[:, self.layNb - 1] += 1.0e6 return
[docs] def getErodibility(self, cumThick): """ Get the erodibility values for the surface based on underlying erosive stratigraphic layer. Args: cumThick: numpy float-type array containing the cumulative erosion/deposition of the nodes in the TIN """ # Update deposition depIDs = numpy.where(cumThick >= 0.0)[0] self.thickness[depIDs, 0] += cumThick[depIDs] # Update erosion eroIDs = numpy.where(cumThick < 0.0)[0] if len(eroIDs) > 0: for k in range(self.layNb): # Update thickness for remaining layers eIDs = numpy.where( numpy.logical_and( self.thickness[eroIDs, k] > 0.0, self.thickness[eroIDs, k] >= -cumThick[eroIDs], ) )[0] if len(eIDs) > 0: self.thickness[eroIDs[eIDs], k] += cumThick[eroIDs[eIDs]] cumThick[eroIDs[eIDs]] = 0.0 # Nullify eroded layer thicknesses and update erosion values eIDs = numpy.where( numpy.logical_and( self.thickness[eroIDs, k] > 0.0, cumThick[eroIDs] < 0.0 ) )[0] if len(eIDs) > 0: cumThick[eroIDs[eIDs]] += self.thickness[eroIDs[eIDs], k] self.thickness[eroIDs[eIDs], k] = 0.0 # Ensure non-negative values tmpIDs = numpy.where(self.thickness[:, k] < 0.0)[0] if len(tmpIDs) > 0: self.thickness[tmpIDs, k] = 0.0 if len(numpy.where(cumThick < 0)[0]) == 0: break # Update surface erodibility map self.erodibility = numpy.zeros(len(cumThick)) for k in range(self.layNb): # Get erodibility coefficients from active underlying layers tmpIDs = numpy.where( numpy.logical_and( self.thickness[:, k] > 0.0, self.erodibility[:] == 0.0 ) )[0] self.erodibility[tmpIDs] = self.Ke[tmpIDs, k] if len(numpy.where(self.erodibility == 0)[0]) == 0: break return
[docs] def write_hdf5_erolay(self, outstep): """ This function writes the HDF5 file containing erosive layers information. Args: outstep: output time step. """ eh5file = self.folder + "/h5/erolay.time" + str(outstep) + ".hdf5" ptsNb = len(self.erodibility) with h5py.File(eh5file, "w") as f: # Write erosive layers depth f.create_dataset( "elayDepth", shape=(ptsNb, self.layNb), dtype="float64", compression="gzip", ) f["elayDepth"][:, : self.layNb] = self.thickness # Write erodibility for each layers f.create_dataset( "elayKe", shape=(ptsNb, self.layNb), dtype="float64", compression="gzip" ) f["elayKe"][:, : self.layNb] = self.Ke return