Source code for underland.stratiWedge

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Badlands surface processes modelling application.    ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
This module defines the **stratigraphic layers** based on the **irregular TIN grid**.
import os
import glob
import time
import h5py
import numpy
import pandas
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

if 'READTHEDOCS' not in os.environ:
    from badlands import pdalgo

[docs]class stratiWedge(): """ This class builds stratigraphic layers over time based on **erosion/deposition** values. Args: layNb: total number of stratigraphic layers elay: regular grid layer thicknesses xyTIN: numpy float-type array containing the coordinates for each nodes in the TIN (in m) bPts: boundary points for the TIN. ePts: boundary points for the regular grid. thickMap: filename containing initial layer parameters activeh: active layer thickness. folder: name of the output folder. h5file: first part of the hdf5 file name. rockNb: number of type of sedimentary rocks represented in the current simulation. regX: numpy array containing the X-coordinates of the regular input grid. regY: numpy array containing the Y-coordinates of the regular input grid. elev: numpy arrays containing the elevation of the TIN nodes. cumdiff: numpy array containing cumulative erosion/deposition from previous simulation. rockCk: numpy arrays containing the different rock erodibility values. rfolder: restart folder. rstep: restart step. """ def __init__(self, layNb, elay, xyTIN, bPts, ePts, thickMap, activeh, folder, h5file, rockNb, regX, regY, elev, rockCk, cumdiff=0, rfolder=None, rstep=0): # Number of points on the TIN self.ptsNb = len(xyTIN) self.oldload = None self.folder = folder self.h5file = h5file self.rockNb = rockNb self.initlay = elay self.alayR = None self.activeh = activeh self.rockCk = rockCk # In case we restart a simulation if rstep > 0: if os.path.exists(rfolder): folder = rfolder+'/h5/' fileCPU = 'stratal.time%s.hdf5'%rstep restartncpus = len(glob.glob1(folder,fileCPU)) if restartncpus == 0: raise ValueError('The requested time step for the restart simulation cannot be found in the restart folder.') else: raise ValueError('The restart folder is missing or the given path is incorrect.') if restartncpus != 1: raise ValueError('When using the stratal model you need to run the restart simulation with the same number of processors as the previous one.') df = h5py.File('%s/h5/stratal.time%s.hdf5'%(rfolder, rstep), 'r') paleoDepth = numpy.array((df['/paleoDepth'])) eroLay = paleoDepth.shape[1] self.step = paleoDepth.shape[1] # Elevation at time of deposition (paleo-depth) self.paleoDepth = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') self.layerThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') self.paleoDepth[:,:eroLay] = paleoDepth # Deposition thickness for each type of sediment self.depoThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay,rockNb),order='F') for r in range(rockNb): self.depoThick[:,:eroLay,r] = numpy.array((df['/depoThickRock'+str(r)])) self.layerThick[:,:eroLay] = numpy.sum(self.depoThick[:,:eroLay,:],axis=-1) # Define cumulative deposition/erosion from previous simulation self.oldload = cumdiff else: eroLay = elay+1 self.step = eroLay tmpTH = numpy.zeros(self.ptsNb) # Elevation at time of deposition (paleo-depth) self.paleoDepth = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') # Deposition thickness for each type of sediment self.depoThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay,rockNb),order='F') self.layerThick = numpy.zeros((self.ptsNb,layNb+eroLay),order='F') # Rock type array rockType = -numpy.ones(self.ptsNb,dtype=int) # If predefined layers exists if elay > 0: # Build the underlying erodibility mesh and associated thicknesses # Define inside area kdtree inTree = cKDTree(xyTIN[bPts:ePts+bPts,:]) dist, inID = inTree.query(xyTIN[:bPts,:],k=1) inID += bPts # Data is stored from top predefined layer to bottom. self.paleoDepth[:,eroLay] = elev for l in range(1,eroLay): thMap = pandas.read_csv(str(thickMap[l-1]), sep=r'\s+', engine='c', header=None, na_filter=False, dtype=numpy.float, low_memory=False) # Extract thickness values tmpH = thMap.values[:,0] tH = numpy.reshape(tmpH,(len(regX), len(regY)), order='F') # Nearest neighbours interpolation to extract rock type values tmpS = thMap.values[:,1].astype(int) tS = numpy.reshape(tmpS,(len(regX), len(regY)), order='F') rockType[bPts:] = interpolate.interpn( (regX, regY), tS, xyTIN[bPts:,:], method='nearest') # Linear interpolation to define underlying layers on the TIN tmpTH.fill(0.) tmpTH[bPts:] = interpolate.interpn( (regX, regY), tH, xyTIN[bPts:,:], method='linear') for r in range(rockNb): ids = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(rockType==r,tmpTH>0.)) self.depoThick[ids,eroLay-l,r] = tmpTH[ids] self.paleoDepth[ids,eroLay-l] = self.paleoDepth[ids,eroLay-l+1]-tmpTH[ids] if eroLay-l==1: self.depoThick[ids,0,r] = 1.e6 self.paleoDepth[ids,0] = self.paleoDepth[ids,1]-1.e6 # Add an infinite rock layer with the same characteristics as the deepest one self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r] = self.depoThick[inID,eroLay-l,r] if r == 0: self.paleoDepth[:bPts,eroLay-l] = self.paleoDepth[:bPts,eroLay-l+1]-self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r] else: self.paleoDepth[:bPts,eroLay-l] -= self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r] if eroLay-l==1: ids = numpy.where(self.depoThick[:bPts,eroLay-l,r]>0)[0] self.depoThick[ids,0,r] = 1.e6 self.paleoDepth[ids,0] = self.paleoDepth[ids,1]-1.e6 self.layerThick[:,eroLay-l] = numpy.sum(self.depoThick[:,eroLay-l,:],axis=-1) self.layerThick[:,0] = 1.e6 else: # Add an infinite rock layer with the same characteristics as the deepest one self.depoThick[:,0,0] = 1.e6 self.layerThick[:,0] = self.depoThick[:,0,0] self.paleoDepth[:,0] = elev self.step = 1
[docs] def get_active_layer(self, actlay, verbose=False): """ This function extracts the active layer based on the underlying stratigraphic architecture. Args: actlay: active layer elevation based on nodes elevation [m] verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). """ time0 = time.process_time() self.alayR = pdalgo.getactlay(actlay, self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1], self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,:]) if verbose: print(" - Get active layer composition ", time.process_time() - time0) time0 = time.process_time() return
[docs] def update_layers(self, erosion, deposition, elev, verbose=False): """ This function updates the stratigraphic layers based active layer composition. Args: erosion: value of the erosion for the given points (m) deposition: value of the deposition for the given point (m) elev: numpy float-type array containing Z coordinates of the local TIN nodes. verbose : (bool) when :code:`True`, output additional debug information (default: :code:`False`). """ time0 = time.process_time() newH, newS = pdalgo.updatestrati(self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,:], self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1], erosion, deposition) self.depoThick[:,:self.step+1,:] = newS self.layerThick[:,:self.step+1] = newH self.paleoDepth[:,self.step] = elev if verbose: print(" - Update erosion/deposition ", time.process_time() - time0) return
[docs] def write_hdf5_stratigraphy(self, lGIDs, outstep): """ This function writes for each processor the HDF5 file containing sub-surface information. Args: lGIDs: global node IDs for considered partition. outstep: output time step. """ sh5file = self.folder+'/'+self.h5file+str(outstep)+'.hdf5' with h5py.File(sh5file, "w") as f: # Write stratal layers paeleoelevations per cells f.create_dataset('paleoDepth',shape=(len(lGIDs),self.step+1), dtype='float64', compression='gzip') f["paleoDepth"][lGIDs,:self.step+1] = self.paleoDepth[lGIDs,:self.step+1] # Write stratal layers thicknesses per cells for r in range(self.rockNb): f.create_dataset('depoThickRock'+str(r),shape=(len(lGIDs),self.step+1), dtype='float64', compression='gzip') f['depoThickRock'+str(r)][lGIDs,:self.step+1] = self.depoThick[lGIDs,:self.step+1,r] return